Wednesday, May 11, 2005


George W. just finished a five day tour of the former Soviet Union and the countries who have tried democracy and it was fascinating to watch. I for one was not for George W. ever, but for all of his idiotic moves he is not that bad of a President. He has got the “bring democracy agenda” at the forefront of his time in office and it is paying off in several countries, which amazes me each and every day.
This man in office is not the brightest, but he has a quality about him that you just would not mind being in the same room with him. He has pretty much been a failure, even for being a rich kid and has only gotten where he is because of this father. I like the fact that a complete and total failure can be President of the most powerful nation on earth. It should give pause to anyone to ever thinks about picking on the nerd or the dumb kid, for someday he might be President and have the power to annihilate your city or state. What fun!
The last few months has shown that respect for children is just a phrase that the Republicans use to get elected. This is shown to be true because day after day there are children being raped, tortured, and killed and the Republican’s who control pretty much everything let things stay the same. I am sick and tired of hearing of their concern if they do not do something to protect the children of this country.
As I mentioned in a previous column, we must take the protection of children and put it in our hands, because for all of the talk, the politicians are not there to take care of the children. We are the only ones who stand between the children and the pedophiles, so we should organize. I shall be writing more about how we can do this, and we have to take over this protection. We must also be pressing for legislation to end the “suffering” of pedophiles, through their extinguishment from this life, and the sooner the better.
I am getting more blood thirsty as time goes on and I find that the death of creatures who prey upon children as the only thing that will slake this thirst. We will be sending them to hell, were I am sure even the Devil will have qualms about accepting them into his camp. I think the term go F*** yourself would have new meaning for these creatures when they get to the hell that they deserve. Anyway, we can only hope that Karma is not just a word, but a Reality, for I think that would be the best that could be hoped for in the lives of these bastards.
We have just seen that they found the two little girls in Illinois on Monday; both were stabbed to death. We must find the killer or killers of these two little girls and then we should take care of this person or person, so as to make sure that this never happens to another child. I for one am in favor having an instant trial, “ Oh let’s see-You are guilty, you are sentenced to death, and then they die.!” Simplistic? Well yes it is and some of the best answers are simple. How can anyone find a defense for someone who hurts a child. Yet, there are lawyers everywhere who will defend these evil creatures and I for one cannot figure out how this is possible. I do not believe that everyone deserves a good defense and only lawyers with no morals would do such a thing.
I just heard that the father of one of the children as the killer of both of the little girls. O.K., now they have him arrested, now let us kill him. No more trials, no more excuses, only the death that he deserves, and anything past this point is just wasted breath and wasted time that he is allowed to exist on this earth.
Anyway, we shall be writing about more things that we can do about this rash of rapes and murders of children. Be prepared to act whenever you see an adult doing anything untoward with a child and do not fear the power of the state which refuses to act in the defense of children, because if they do not do anything they shall also be branded as the criminals that they are and they shall be chased from office to go live among their criminal friends!
Be always vigilant, always ready, because our children deserve no less!

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