Monday, May 16, 2005


I was watching the reports of the proposed base closures today and it makes me wonder just how serious the Bushies are about fighting terrorism? They purport to be all about the military men and women who serve, but then they target bases all over the country where these same men and women have families.
They say that the base closings will save $49 billion over the next twenty years, which seems ridiculously minor in relation to what they waste everyday in Washington on things less important than the military. Hell, they probably spend that much in copy paper in a week at the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon.
I believe that what we see is that this is just a way for the administration to attack the military while still trying to say that they are all for the military personnel. If this were not the case would you not see them enhancing military facilities instead of closing them. I believe that when we ask these fine men and women to fight and die for this country we owe them the respect and yes the bases to live a decent life. I think that with all of the boondoggles that this administration is spending money on they can surely change a few priorities and take care of the service personnel.
I believe that they are also talking about bringing more troops home from overseas bases, so maybe they should hold off on doing any base closings until they decide what we are going to do overseas. Wouldn’t it be nice if these people in Washington actually thought these decisions through to the end before they make rash decisions. If they had done so, we would have waited to deal with Iraq until after we had capped Ossama Bid Laden’s ass. I think that our policies should be thought out a little more and we should less public notice about what we are going to do. A right to know should be tempered with a need to know and from what I see there is a lot of things that we should be doing around the world and they should be kept from the public, thus giving the bad guys less notice to hide from us.
We need to think hard about our next move in the Middle East. I think that we are going to have to attack Iran and possibly Syria in the very near future and I hope that when the time comes we just do it without notice, and without consultation with “allies” except for Great Britain who is our only real ally.
Iran will need to be dealt with over the nuclear program that they continually lie about and Syria, because they continue helping the insurgents who slip across the border and attack inside Iraq. We should have a very frank exchange with the Syrian’s and let them know in no uncertain terms that if they continue to assist the insurgent’s they shall become fair game for our troops and we will put an end not only to the insurgent hiding places, but we shall also put an end to the Syrian government and bring democracy to another Middle East country.
With the Iranians we should have all nuclear areas targeted and when we strike we should hit only the facilities and if they mullahs say anything we should change that government as well. We know that the people of Iran still like Americans and I think that allowing them to have a freer country would be an interesting turn of events. I am all for changing governments and putting in power people who like us or at least do not hate us. This is soon coming to a head in a lot of countries where we need to give the people the opportunity to choose governments that allow the people the right to have better lives.
It has been equally offensive to see that men and women who went to war are being prosecuted for abusing prisoners and killing the bad guys. What is wrong with us when we send people to prison for doing stupid things to prisoners, such as offending them, stripping them naked and making fun of them, as well as flushing the Koran down a toilet to bother them. Wow, what atrocities! We have got to be the stupidest people in the world sometimes, for doing such petty things and actually giving people prison time and destroying their careers over this nonsense. God wouldn’t the men and women who went through real atrocities in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, be astounded to find what is taken as atrocities in this day and age. I think that we should be a lot more abusive until we get the terrorists and insurgent’s to stop their killing of innocents and until that happens we should do anything that we want to find out information or just for the fact that they will fear us even if they do not respect us. At least if there is some fear on their parts it may keep people from getting killed on both sides.
Tomorrow is another day in the life of the struggling democracy in Iraq and we can only hope that these poor people can continue to hold firm against the forces that would send them back into the days of Saddam and his type of killers. Each day that they hold on is a great day for the future of them and their children. Hang on it will get better!

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Yesterday was a very interesting day in the life of our nation, as a small plane literally had the people of Washington D.C. running for their lives.
Was this a terrorist attack? No it turned out to just be a Cessna pilot and his student flying and getting lost. They wandered to within three miles of the White House, and luckily for them, the security forces in the air and on the ground determined that they were innocent or we might have seen the plane shot out of the sky.
I have to admit that I laughed pretty hard as they showed the panicked reactions of our nation’s leaders. The Speakers in both Houses of Congress looked very wide-eyed when they were told to leave the building and do so at once. They showed the vehicles with the Vice-President being whisked away to an undisclosed location, which confused me. Is it not true that there is an underground war room for the President in time of war? Would that not be a safer place for the Vice-President to be instead of racing through the streets of Washington at high speed. The late night talk show hosts had a great time making fun of the people of Washington, much as I plan to do in this column.
It has been only a few years since 9/11, so perhaps that is why the people were running as they did, but for god’s sake, where in the world were they running too. It is not like they actually had a planned area to run to, such as a family might make when deciding what to do in case of a fire and planning to meet by a tree or at a neighbor’s house. These people were running in all directions, so obviously the only plan that they have developed in three years is to get out of the building and run wildly in any direction. Is that really the best plan that they could come up with in three years.
Truthfully, ask yourself, if you were a terrorist and watched the panic over the approach of a plane little bigger than a full size automobile, would you not believe that you had indeed succeeded after 9/11, because of the behavior change which you caused. After all the terrorist wins when he can get people to change the way they live their lives, and yesterday was definitely a change in the way people used to react to a flyover by a small plane lost and off course.
I think that if I wanted to do more terrorist mischief, I would have several students enter flying programs and whenever possible take the lessons in the D.C. area and turn the wander off course scenario into a daily occurrence. From there I would perhaps move into other vehicles, such as buses, trailer tractors, etc., so as to make it unsafe to be on any road or near any form of transportation. I often think that terrorists already operate many of the trailer tractor rigs on the highway, because they drive wildly endangering everyone near them. I know that not to be the case, but we should be aware that sooner or later terrorists will understand how important these transportation vehicles are to the lifeblood of this nation, so we should just once, try and be ahead of them in this game of life and death.
In a quick aside they showed the shooting a male who decided to take the L.A. police on a fifty minute chase and then exited his vehicle while trying to draw a pistol from his pocket. He was rightfully shot to death, and that should have been the end of it, but no because the killing was shown on television there is all kinds of nonsense about the fact that they should not have televised the event live. Wow! When did people get the fact that their children see and enjoy watching more violence through television shows and movies than they would ever see, even if they followed the police everyday on their regular patrols. I think it was good for young people to see the outcome of someone who chose to disobey the law and then tried to run from police. Personally I believe that all automobile chases should end in the death of the driver and it should always be shown on television. Perhaps this would cause the person who is driving to remember the image of what happens when you run from police and they would have second thoughts and pull over and take the charge that they are guilty of instead of running from police and knowing that they are going to be killed at the end of the chase, No Exceptions!
One final thought on the Washington follies that we saw yesterday. President Bush and the rest of our Washington leaders need to sit together and talk over what they are going to do in the case of another attack, for this was an embarrassment, but it did remind us once again that no matter what money has been spent, or what agencies have been created, we are no better prepared or any safer than we were on September 10th, the day before the world changed for America. Wake up people, another attack is coming and we need to be ready for it!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


George W. just finished a five day tour of the former Soviet Union and the countries who have tried democracy and it was fascinating to watch. I for one was not for George W. ever, but for all of his idiotic moves he is not that bad of a President. He has got the “bring democracy agenda” at the forefront of his time in office and it is paying off in several countries, which amazes me each and every day.
This man in office is not the brightest, but he has a quality about him that you just would not mind being in the same room with him. He has pretty much been a failure, even for being a rich kid and has only gotten where he is because of this father. I like the fact that a complete and total failure can be President of the most powerful nation on earth. It should give pause to anyone to ever thinks about picking on the nerd or the dumb kid, for someday he might be President and have the power to annihilate your city or state. What fun!
The last few months has shown that respect for children is just a phrase that the Republicans use to get elected. This is shown to be true because day after day there are children being raped, tortured, and killed and the Republican’s who control pretty much everything let things stay the same. I am sick and tired of hearing of their concern if they do not do something to protect the children of this country.
As I mentioned in a previous column, we must take the protection of children and put it in our hands, because for all of the talk, the politicians are not there to take care of the children. We are the only ones who stand between the children and the pedophiles, so we should organize. I shall be writing more about how we can do this, and we have to take over this protection. We must also be pressing for legislation to end the “suffering” of pedophiles, through their extinguishment from this life, and the sooner the better.
I am getting more blood thirsty as time goes on and I find that the death of creatures who prey upon children as the only thing that will slake this thirst. We will be sending them to hell, were I am sure even the Devil will have qualms about accepting them into his camp. I think the term go F*** yourself would have new meaning for these creatures when they get to the hell that they deserve. Anyway, we can only hope that Karma is not just a word, but a Reality, for I think that would be the best that could be hoped for in the lives of these bastards.
We have just seen that they found the two little girls in Illinois on Monday; both were stabbed to death. We must find the killer or killers of these two little girls and then we should take care of this person or person, so as to make sure that this never happens to another child. I for one am in favor having an instant trial, “ Oh let’s see-You are guilty, you are sentenced to death, and then they die.!” Simplistic? Well yes it is and some of the best answers are simple. How can anyone find a defense for someone who hurts a child. Yet, there are lawyers everywhere who will defend these evil creatures and I for one cannot figure out how this is possible. I do not believe that everyone deserves a good defense and only lawyers with no morals would do such a thing.
I just heard that the father of one of the children as the killer of both of the little girls. O.K., now they have him arrested, now let us kill him. No more trials, no more excuses, only the death that he deserves, and anything past this point is just wasted breath and wasted time that he is allowed to exist on this earth.
Anyway, we shall be writing about more things that we can do about this rash of rapes and murders of children. Be prepared to act whenever you see an adult doing anything untoward with a child and do not fear the power of the state which refuses to act in the defense of children, because if they do not do anything they shall also be branded as the criminals that they are and they shall be chased from office to go live among their criminal friends!
Be always vigilant, always ready, because our children deserve no less!

Monday, May 09, 2005


I am finally back after a destructive virus that resulted in the need to do a destructive recovery of the computer, as well as some additional work which needed to be done to be operational again. I hope that the new software installed will protect the computer from this happening again.
Another little girl is dead and another sex offender is guilty of the death. Sarah Lunde, the 13 year old that disappeared as found in a pond near her home and a sex offender/animal Onstott, who is in custody and is going before the court and I am sure they will deal as harshly with him now as they did before. In fact, the courts may throw the book at him, by taking away his library card and making him go to prison for a short vacation so he can rest up to rape and kill another child when he gets let out again.
The punk, John Couey went before the court and had the audacity to pleading not guilty of raping and killing Jessica Lunsford. Now in a perfect world, and definitely not in Florida this piece of garbage would be beaten to death by good, well-meaning people and thrown on the garbage heap where he belongs. The three people who hid him and assisted him with leaving the city after he raped and killed the little girl should be prosecuted and imprisoned for life, but the asshole they call a district attorney is a pedophile rapist/killer lover, or he would prosecute these punks. O’Reilly has been all over this story and yet this D.A. refuses to do the right thing, nor will his boss, Jeb Bush do the right thing. What the hell is wrong in Florida? This really needs to be investigated by federal authorities, because it has become a haven for child rapist/killers and their cohorts who hide them out.
I am trying to find a way to get the politician’s to protect our children as it seems that they care more for the right’s of these scum bags than they do for the children of this country. Therefore, I have been thinking of ways we can do things to make sure that we do get protection from the legislators of this country.
First, we need to go through the sex offender laws and make them accurate to reflect what we want them to be about. This would mean that someone who is caught urinating in public would not be classified as a sex offender, but because the real pedophile’s often use this excuse when they are trying to be seen by children in public, we would a one time rule. If you are caught urinating in public more than once, you would then receive the sex offender label, thereby, giving the person a one time benefit of the doubt. Second, all sex offenders who are given the benefit of a second chance after they serve their first offense would be allowed to live only in housing next to a legislator. We would have entire neighborhoods around legislator’s throughout the nation and this would be the only place that a sex offender would be allowed to live. If they choose to live in a city that does not have a legislator, they would not be allowed out of prison. In addition, this first timer would serve a huge chunk of his or her lives in prison before every getting out.
I believe that there should be no second chances and these people should be tossed into the nearest incinerator and to hell with them, but I know that some would like to give them a second chance, because they believe that a sex offender should be given a second chance to rape and kill a child, so their lives can be fulfilled as well.
Now, as for judges who allow these creeps out, there should be a special housing unit for them to not only have them live by pedophiles, but the pedophiles would actually live in a house with a judge, so they can regale each other with atrocities that they have committed against innocent children, because a judge who lets one of these creeps go is as guilty as the punk who commit’s the crime, so they deserve each other.
The final link in my sex offender living bill, would be the housing of these pedophile’s with anyone who works for or supports the ACLU, a group whose only purpose is to take away right’s from innocent people and give the right’s to the criminal’s among us.
Finally, if the government is not going to protect children from these rapist/killers’, it may fall upon the populace to do it, just as the Minutemen hit the border to stem the flow of illegal immigrant’s from crossing the border, we may need a group to prevent pedophile’s from getting anywhere close to children.
In fact, if they choose to leave prison they should have to have a red P burned into their forehead’s with the stipulation that if the remove it or cover it in anyway, they would be immediately incarcerated for LIFE! NO EXCEPTIONS! In addition, any politician, judge, ACLU member, anyone who supports the rights of pedophiles would have a P L burned into their foreheads, for pedophile lover.
We all need to take a stand and raise our voice for or against children, for that is the bottom line. Choose or Perish!