Friday, April 15, 2005


There is a book out that everyone must read. It is "They Just Don't Get It", by Colonel David Hunt, who is a constant on Fox News as commentator on current events. He is a man of reality thinking and his advice is similar to what I have long advocated, which is to take the war on terrorism to the terrorist's. This means assassination, political manipulation of countries, etc.
The whole premise of Colonel David Hunt is that we are in a war for our very existence and he is one of the few people who actually gets it right. My God! How long do we have to listen to the idiots who believe that if we did talked to these animals we could all live together in peace. We should remember that they do not want to talk to us about anything, they want to kill us and that is all.
We have just seen another american taken hostage by people who demand that we pull of of Iraq and actually believe that this futile attempt will actually bring this about. Well it will not, because the first thing that they should understand is that we are not going to negotiate anything with them. We will try and keep this man alive long enough to find him alive or we will try and track his hostage takers down and capture or kill them after they have killed this man.
We need to get together with any of the countries that they say are all for stopping these terrorists and we need to create a corps of infiltrators and hunter killer teams to eradicate these creatures. Anyone or anything that will facilitate this goal should be encouraged and anyone or anything that gets in our way should be removed. I am indeed advocating using the full force of our power and money to do whatever it takes to end this nonsense. We have important things that need to be done on this world and the money we waste coddling these terrorists and their appeasers is a king's ransom.
There seems to be a small boycott against american goods in Saudi Arabia by people who did not like our invasion of Iraq. Well so be it. We have kept this corrupt royal family in power way too long and we should put them on notice that they get control of the hatred being taught by clerics in their schools or we will remove them as quickly as we did Saddam Hussein. This same warning needs to be made to other countries in the region and the world for that matter. Iran and Syria should be on the very short list of countries that will have new governments by next year. I am wholeheartedly for destroying the nuclear facility in Iran and in North Korea as well and if other countries get in the way or object we have some to go around for them as well. There is no way in hell that we should allow the Chinese or any other inferior nation tell us what is right for the world.
We all know that what I and others are writing about are correct and only time is causing the possibility that we might fail in doing the right thing for the world. We and our friends must save civilization or there is a chance that it might end and end very soon. We all know if the looney terrorists were to get ahold of nuclear weapons they would surely use them. Therefore we must make preemptive strikes before they have that chance to hit us and as on 9/11 they do not mind killing innocents. That is our one huge problem. We do not enjoy killing innnocents as they do and it makes us handicapped in this type of warfare, because we do care who we kill and what innocents might get in the way and we often make mistakes because of these worries.
I am calling on all of us to make it known that we want our leaders to be about getting the job done no matter what they have to do to get it done. The good of the many does outweigh the good of the few or the one. Let us do the right thing even if it is done by wrong means. This is one area where two wrongs can make a right and the right thing to do is to win this war on terror and win it NOW!
Daniel Carvel Kepler


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not hiding Duncan, Louisville, Ky.