Friday, April 08, 2005


There is a movement in this country to try and stop illegal immigration and it is taking the shape of volunteer Minutemen right now in Arizona.
This is becoming a show of all the things that those who live on the border face everyday. I find it extremely interesting that the politicians are not sure what to make of these volunteers who are going top spend thirty days helping the border patrol in dealing with the illegal aliens who pour across our borders daily.
What shall we do in regard to immigrants? I think that we need to figure out what we want in this country. Perhaps we need to have more people allowed into the country in the resident alien worker programs. This would allow those who wish to work here come over and not be taken advantage of, as often happens to illegal aliens. This would also hold employers accountable for the people that they have working for them, whether they are Americans or immigrants.
As Americans we have such a giant advantage over nearly every other person in this world and we are all the children of immigrants to one extent or another, even the Native Americans are immigrants, though there trek was several thousand years before anyone else, so they are the only ones who can say that they belong here. As an American, we have the bonus of long life, wonderful opportunities, etc., so how can anyone look at the people who flood in here daily and begrudge them a chance at a better life.
Well I do begrudge them that new life, and I do so because there are many people who want to come here and they follow the rules and wait their turn. They may have to wait much longer than they should have to, because of the overload of illegal aliens who flood over the borders.
The Minutemen should be a wake up call to all of us that the time to deal with the illegal aliens and the terrorists who may be coming across with them. This should absolutely be a National Defense issue and we should not allow the politicians to get away with ignoring it anymore. We need to contact the politicians all the way to the top and tell them how we feel, and I mean on both sides, so that there can be a national debate with action of one kind or another being the outcome.
I believe that there needs to be a change in the law to require the military to be involved in this effort. No one should come across our borders without someone knowing about it and stopping it. There should be a GPS tracking device inserted in everyone that we catch and send back. This should no longer be a silent issue, but one which is talked about, yelled about, and finally one which is solved to the best of our ability.
In addition to the insertion of a GPS tracking device in a place which would threaten the life of the illegal alien if they try and remove it, we should also take DNA samples, fingerprints, retinal scans, etc., which would be in a Data Base available to all law enforcement agencies as well as all agencies, which make available services to citizens, such as hospitals, social security, etc.,.
As I write this I can already here the civil rights idiot’s, better known as the ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, crying foul and being indignant to the fact that we want people who violate our laws to be held more accountable than our own citizen’s. Well, too bad for them, if they want to do anything they can go to the illegal aliens home countries and instruct them in the proper and correct way to come to this nation.
This is not a racist view, as many of the legal immigrants to this country are among the vocal opponents to this illegal influx of people. The new citizen’s who did everything the right way, by waiting their turn, want their fellow immigrants to follow their example and come here, learn the language, follow the laws, and become Americans the right way!
It is believed that there are nearly 11 million illegal aliens in this country at this time, which is a tremendous drain on resources that are in place for legal citizen’s to use, such as hospitals, government aid, private charities, and more. Do you want these people to use all of these resources without the input of their tax dollars these resources available.
As I have written before, I do feel for these people who want to come here, but please do it the right and legal way. Immigrants are the new lifeblood of this nation, but only the legal ones should be allowed to stay, all others should be treated as the criminals that they are. May America be blessed and may our government do the right thing to make us safe!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We must protect our borders and if we need the military then that is what we should do. Keep it up.