Sunday, July 13, 2008

Part XIII: Conclusions And Tiny Sliver Of Hope?

We started the energy series on June 27th and today we come full circle, as we end it with Part XIII:Conclusions. I have no doubt that 99% of people will disagree with "utliizing" one or more of the energy sources that we have looked at through this series. The twelve sources that We looked at were: Oil, Coal, Wind, Solar, Waves, Biomass/Biofuels, Hydropower, Geothermal, Natural Gas, Nuclear "fission", Hyrdogen, and Nuclear "fusion", with the attitude that we MUST use all of them on a massive scale.

We started the series with these two opening paragraphs: As we begin Part 1 of the energy series with Why We Must Drill Here, I want to give the opposing view of drilling off shore and in ANWR from the Sierra Club, and some leading Democrats. There are more arguments out there for why we should not drill, but my overall view is that we should drill, so I am not going to be Fair and Balanced on this subject, as my Favorite News Channel would be", because it is just too important to the survival of our Nation's energy needs, and possible independence to give much weight to naysayers, no matter how well meaning, as they are wrong!!

The main story behind all of these posts was that we CAN become energy independent and wean ourselves off oil over the next decade IF we have the WILL to DO IT, and so far we have seen nothing to suggest that the politicians or our fellow citizens are going to do anything but whine about the problem, without the RESOLVE to do everything in our power to change it. So while I have done a post about each energy method that we MUST utilize, I have little hope of it actually happening, thanks to the tree hugging liberals who don't care if we survive, and the dollar hugging bastards who only want oil, or other profit producing energy sources, as our main energy drugs. I see the death of our nation by this suicidal course, as "everyone" knows what they know, and to hell with working toward a common end!! God will not help us, and we damn well seem Hell bent on not helping ourselves!!

Over the course of this series, we have seen the events unfolding in our daily lives concerning the rising oil prices, and the bickering and between the those who do not want to drill more (mostly Democrats), and those that do want to drill more (mostly Republicans, including the President), and there does not seem to be any give on either side at this juncture in time. So, we will see that my hope for seriousness from our Nation's Leaders on this important issue, was nothing more than a "waking" dream, and 15 or 20 years from now~~If we survive, we shall still be in the same sad situation that we are in now. Energy dependence on wholly unreliable sources, and prices that grind the common person to dust!!

So I am left with my "fantasy" of American's actually getting serious enough about energy problems, and begin to care so much so, that they absolutely "choose" to make this the number one issue in importance, and treat it as not only a National Defense issue, but a National Survival issue. Then we could see the utilization of every energy source mentioned. These sources "fully realized", with energy conservation, could potentially make us energy independent! This could open a new chapter in America's history, but unfortunately, we are petty creatures, who will continue to argue among ourselves, until it is too late, or if God saves us by allowing us to "find" another Lincoln, Roosevelt, or Kennedy, to inspire us to become more than the sum or our parts, for a National, even Worldwide goal. This will obviously have to wait until after this election, as the two people running cannot see the forest for the trees of their own backgrounds and perceptions. Obama "could" have been the One, if not for the blinders of his "inner tree-hugging socialist", and McCain, Never was a viable "Big Vision" person, as he is wholly owned by his former "hosts" overseas, and whatever else bounces around inside that angry mind of his.

All of you on the left who refuse to drill, anywhere, anytime, are as responsible for this mess, as those on the right, who only want to drill, everywhere, everytime, instead of utilizing EVERY resource out there, including one of the most important ones~~Conservation. This coupled with everything we have covered in this series will not only acheive our goal, but make us better people in the process. This MUST be the biggest, and most important undertaking in our Nation's history, and whether we expend every penny of our treasure or not, there can be Nothing but Total Victory, in energy independence, to make it worthwhile!!

I keep reading that no matter what, it will not help right away, but those people are missing the point. We need to throw all of the rule books away; therefore, no hearings, zoning reports, etc., etc., anything that impedes the processes of any energy source, must be pushed aside and we do what is "reasonable" and "safe" enough~~for now~~to get to our goal!! Just the fact that the world would see "US" embarking on this course would be enough to affect prices today, and tomorrow...and that is the goal~in the short term, with energy independence for the long term. Let's stop fighting, put aside politics, rhetoric, and environmental issues, and DO IT, and tweak IT as need be, so as to not Totally destroy "everything" to accomplish this goal!!

And then I woke up~~~
~~and realized it will not happen!!

While I do not believe that we shall do what we need to do for National survival, I do have the itsy-bitsy-slightest bit of hope, because there is a sliver of hopeful news, of what people are doing already, to make things a little better in their communities, including the following one I found this morning as I was preparing this post.
We shall also try and drop a post in now and again as a reminder, of what we "NEED" to do to Fix Our Energy Problems!! Enjoy the small story below and Have A Great Sunday Afternoon!!

This story was at Yahoo News, and was titled "Small towns get creative as fuel costs bite", and begins:
Police officer James Denman gets a cup of coffee at a local convenience store as he prepares to swap his gas-guzzling squad car for a more energy-efficient patrol vehicle -- a bicycle.
In Scotch Plains, New Jersey, police are doing more cruising on bikes, while elsewhere across America, small towns are taking unusual measures to rein in rising costs.
One Connecticut town plans to put century-old dams back to work generating electricity, while other communities are telling workers to turn off their vehicles when stopped instead of letting them idle.
Gasoline and heating oil prices have soared, electricity has grown more expensive and health care costs keep rising, prompting municipalities to do what they can to cut costs.

link to full story

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