Saturday, January 22, 2005


The inauguration was such an awe-inspiring event I was unable to compose myself enough to sit down and type last evening. I am not sure if I was touched by the deep love expressed by the Michael Moore followers toward the President or by the equally appalling spectacle of the Rush Limbaugh “Dittoheads’” and their love for anything the Rush deems important, whether it is the President's inauguration or waiting for Rush to give them permission to use the bathroom. They are all a bunch of ADHD lemmings, with the " You know what else is shiny" attitude, just waiting for their equally extreme masters to give them the word.
Now on to some fun for this evening!
Ronald Reagan was neither the greatest President, nor even an adequate President as Presidents go. He was an alternative to Jimmy Carter, one of the best ex-Presidents, but one of the worst President's in history. Ronald Reagan was my choice for President at that time in our nations history, but only because he was the least offensive of the two. I later realized I was probably wrong on the first count and by the second term I knew that even Satan could not have picked a better person to destroy this country than Ronald Reagan, with his "ah shucks" common man demeanor, to his tear in the eye compassion, we could not have been more deceived than we were by this monster.
While his proponents like Sean "your a good american" Hannity, to George W. himself, have changed the truth of what Ronald Reagan did to this country, we who lived through the horror of his Presidency count ourselves among the few who are not deluded by platitudes and honors spoken by Reaganites’ about their beloved Ronny.
The truth is that he was barely adequate as a man let alone as the leader of the greatest nation on earth. He took over from Jimmy Carter, who we thought was terrible because Jimmy had let Americans’ be held hostage, screwed up a rescue attempt, had uncontrolled inflation, loss of jobs and a huge 50 billion dollar deficit, and for this we kicked him out.
Ronald Reagan came into office and many believed he was the person who was in the movies and that he would be good for this country. It was shortly after that inauguration that we found out that his first years deficit would double the last of Carter's and that they would continue to grow year after year until he was out of office, with the total deficit to be more in 8 years than all of the President's from George Washington to Jimmy Carter. He would bankrupt the Soviet Union, but also destroy the financial integrity of the United States of America. Little did most people understand that he would literally get rid of the good times government programs by creating deficits so high that the only way to control them further would be to erode and eliminate many of the government programs designed to assist the poorest
among our people, while at the same time enriching his friends at the hidden, but monstrous Bechtel Corp. , just as today we see the company behind George W's throne, Haliburton.
The rest of Ronald Reagan's fantasy Presidency tomorrow evening.


Anonymous said...

Whoooooooooa! Let's slow down here a bit Kepler. For starters, stop mentioning the name of the great patriot Michael Moore with the same disdain as those of Limbaugh and Hannity. You preach truth. You will get truth from but one of those men, and it sure ain't the druggy or the little preppy G.W. fluffer wannabe.
Now, on to Reagan. How can you say these awful things? Have you completely forgotten Knute Rockne All American? What about one of the greatest monkey movies of all time? Bedtime for BonzoRepoman!

Unknown said...

Yes I have, he should have stayed making movies instead of being allowed to be the President of the USA, he has compared to Lincoln for christ sakes. Lincoln had more brain power after he was shot then this moron had at the height of his presidency.