Thursday, January 20, 2005


There has been a wonderful elation in Washington these last few days, as the Democrats were able to beat up on Dr. Rice as she spent time before the Senators during her confirmation hearings to be the new Secretary of State. It has been a reminder of how partisan it can get and how much whining can be expressed by both sides.
The Democrats were enjoying the power of pounding on her, because of their disagreements with her and the administration in regard to the war in Iraq and other policy disagreements. Meanwhile, the Republicans and their cohorts in the news media are dismayed that anyone should be treated in such an abusive fashion. It seems just like yesterday when they did the exact same thing to the appointees that President Bill Clinton sent before these same committees. It is a truth that it depends on whose "ox is being gored".
Such pontificators as Shaun Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are totally offended and angry by this behavior on the parts of the Democrats, and of course they would "never" advocate such behavior, even though Rush made it clear at the time that we were not only under offensive rule by Clinton, but we were being held hostage by his adminstration. Truth ? Of course not, just as there is no truth in what is going on now, but of course it is all play except for the individuals who are being beaten up, and yet it must be a good job, or why would they choose to endure such abuse.
I think if there were truly to be a change in the civility in Washington it would be a great thing, but no one will take the first step, so we should just get used to the fact that Washington is merely a reflection of the attitudes of americans in general, for we like anger and we take offense at anything or anyone who disagrees with us. All of society has a road rage mentality and it is reflected in our "representatives", so unless you are going to change the way you act and treat others, do not expect any of these high and mighty "representatives" do be any better than you.
On another subject near and dear to my heart is Ronald Reagan and the god awful glorification of this evil man. I know that most people see him as a wonderful grandfatherly figure, and yet he did more damage to the people of this country as well as to many areas of the world then any other "leader", except perhaps for the President he followed.
This is just to peak your interest and hopefully you shall be back to read the next installment to find out why I believe this to be true.
Anyway, hopefully President George W. Bush shall have a nice inaguration, and no one will be hurt by wackos of the right or left. The people who are threatening an economic boycott are ridiculous and should get over the fact that John Kerry did not win. He did not win because he could not get a coherent message out to the voters, and for him to expect to win just because George W. is an idiot is really treating the american people as if they too are idiots as well. John Kerry beat himself because there is the law of Karma,and he deserved to get his ass kicked for the way he mislead people as to his positions, which changed more often that he changed skin colors. Now most politicians do a lot of self-serving catering to their constituents, but Kerry could never figure out what he believed, so how could he expect anyone else to care what he believed.
So to my friend Brad, who worships Michael Moore and to others of their ilk, may you drink heavily during the inauguration and through most of his term in office. Be glad that in four years it shall be Hillary Clinton as the first "woman" President, and the first, First Lady to be President, and then who will be trying to move to Canada. Rush and Shaun will be out of here faster than you can say Ronald Reagan, biggest deficit spender in history.
Daniel Carvel Kepler


Anonymous said...

Worship Michael Moore? Not hardly. Thank God for Michael Moore? Indeed. If only we had a few more Moores, companies like Haliburton wouldn't make billions upon billions of dollars off of the pain and suffering of others. People like Philip Knight and Roger Smith wouldn't line their own pockets with millions and millions of dollars off of the suffering of their fellow human beings, carelessly and flippantly leaving a wake of destruction in their self serving little paths, and go to bed at night, smile at their arrogant little selves in the mirror, kiss their pictures on the nightstand and get a good nights sleep. When you have an arrogant, flippant, greedy and unfortunately pie minded President to encourage such behavior, you could indeed use a few hundred more Moores.
As for Hilary being the next President, or any other woman for that matter, I have but one thing to say. You are woman. Get back home, take care of your husbands the way God Himself intended it to be. Cook, clean, raise your families, make yourselves pretty for your husband and stay the hell out of the man's workforce! If a woman is elected President, I'll try to move somewhere Rush and Shaun don't, but I'd rather have those two raving idiots as countrymen than live in a country ruled by a woman. I love women. I love coming HOME to one.


Unknown said...

I would venture that strong affiliations with political parties will be the downfall of democracy.

Just as some red folks can't even conceive of why the invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq might be a bad idea, and some blue folks think the ahfgan campaign was unnescary. Just as reds found fault with the campaign in Kosovo, and blues dismissed the lewinski scandal and a private affair, reds think the Lewinski ordeal was really an impeachable offense while the invasion of Iraq was really due to an "intelligence" failure.

An unwavering loyalty to the "team" blinds one to it's faults as well as oppertunities posed by the opposing team.

The people currently in power have been doing a very good job of consolidating political power in the hands of as few people as possible, and I am not entirely sure that POTUS is on the short list. Simultaneously the opperations of the democratic process have becoming less and less transparent.

Rice is part of the problem, due to her intense loyalty to a leadership who has demonstrated itself to be consistently wrong, and by failing to provide the transparency to the opperations of government, on which democracy depends.

Rice said during hearing that she wasn't the person to give Jr. military advice. If the president can't get military advice from his national security _ADVISOR_ where exactly should he get it from?

When did it become wrong to expect good results from democratically elected officials?