Friday, January 28, 2005


A little break from the truthful retelling of the Reagan era, instead of the tripe that you have learned in the inept school system or by "fair and balanced" news outlets, and their "equally" "balanced" commentators.
What in the hell has happened on the Democratic side of the aisle in the last few years. The party that saved the world from fascism in World War II, Korea, and tried to save Vietnam and the Indochina peninsula, have become the party of weakness and cowardly attitudes. The political correctness will cost this country in more money and more blood, for their anti-Americanism is not only off base, but traitorous during a time of war. The nonsense that has been spouted this week by Senator Kennedy, Boxer, Kerry, and others would be humorous if it were not giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Do they really believe the words they speak or are they playing to the party communists and socialists. This is not the party of J.F.K., Truman, Roosevelt, Johnson, or other brave souls who believed that this country was better than our past and that we "would pay any price, bear any burden" to keep us Free and to assist those around the world who wanted nothing more than a little bit of freedom for themselves.
If what we are is just a collection of idealogues who equate what we are doing with the terrorists, who would kill these self same proclaimers of our "wrong doing" throughout the world, then we are really in the last days of this republic, for the heathens who have declared a jihad against all of us shall win. These collaborators have blood on their hands by giving the homicide bombers another reason to believe that if they kill enough of our young men and women, we shall at some point turn and run home, lock the door, and hide as they trample the rest of the world until we are the last opponent standing. You know what they will do on that day, they will bring their weapons to bear on us again and we shall either stand and fight or stand and be killed for the do not want to talk, or negotiate with us. They have one and only one goal. To kill anyone who is not a true Islamic believer. Which means that Islamic moderates, Christians, non-Christians, pagans, agnostics, gnostics, atheists, anyone who does not follow their dictums will be slaughtered.
The nonsense that these Senators and other America haters have done in these last few months have made that day of reckoning more likely.
I believe that President Bush was wrong in going into Iraq, that job should have been done when his father was in office or after Afghanistan was completed and Osama Bin Laden caught, tried and executed and his terror network destroyed. In fact, Saddam should have been silently killed years ago when he and his thugs were killing his own people and the Kurds, a group who needed our help for a long time and who we ingnored because of the sensibilities of the Turkish government which did not want to recognize that they had oppressed the Kurds in their country as well.
The world of Kissinger real-politik is alive and living large in the west and particularly in this country. We do what is expedient and easy. However, as much as Bush was wrong it may turn out alright for these wonderful Iraqi people who are willing to die for their own freedom and democracy. Not like ours, but a hell of a lot better than what the Middle Eastern countries know now. If George gets it right and not too many more people die he could launch a new era in the Middle East were they could have the courage to destroy these Islamic terrorists who threaten their day to day lives unlike anything that this country has know, except for Pearl Harbor and 9/11 when we got a taste of fear that they live with everday.
I feel revulsion for the likes of Michael Moore (sorry Brad), Johnny Depp, and others including these blow hard Senators who would help our enemies by letting them believe that if they keep hammering away we will run home and take our toys with us. These cowards who not only mock the President, but treat our soldiers as if they were the terrorists, should be ashamed of themselves. It would be wonderful if they could go find the terrorists, buy them a nice dinner, and talk things over with them, so we could ease the terrorists burden of having to kill innocents daily to get the medias attention and maybe they would just go to Hollywood and hang out with their new buddies and make war movies, instead of actually waging real war.
Not likely! Exactly, the only good that would come out of that exchange would be the death of western traitors by the sincere terrorists. Oh well enough wonderful daydreams!
Reality is that there are no sides to take. We, The West is in a fight for its' very survival and if those who speak against us do not get it, the end of our civilization will come sooner, rather than later and an age of Islamic Fundamentalist Dark Ages will descend upon the world.
Get a grip people, even people as dumb as our President can sometimes do the right thing for the wrong reason. This is one of those times. It is time for everyone to pick a side; Our side or Death, for that is the only two choices!
Daniel Carvel Kepler


Anonymous said...

Who would dare mock this president? To mock this president would be like putting a midget on the Olympic pole vault team and then giving him a yard stick instead of a pole.
As far as I'm concerned, anyone who would kill another human being can be wiped off the face of the earth, be it Islamic fundamentalist, serial killer, drunk driver or blood thirsty marine. Gung Ho, Gung Ho, Gung Ho...Kill Kill Kill! I would compare the intelligence of a warmonger to that of a couple of good old boys who think it's a real hoot to go out and steal a car, throw everything out of it all over the road, hoot and holler hysterically and then ram it into a tree. YEEHAW! What fun. How does someone grow up thinking they have the right to take someone else's life or property? What makes some fucktard think it's fun to be a bully?
I would support war if it could be waged without innocent bystanders, but that will never be the case. There is no solution. Allowing the terrorism to go on would be wrong, but it's no more wrong than killing thousands of innocent people in order to do away with thousands of not so innocent people. What we are doing may be the lesser of the two evils, and I can respect that, but I can never support it.
I would have to agree with you about the current democratic party, but if we had a democrat in the white house, we'd be thinking the same thing about the republican party. This is why I'm totally independent. I have common sense and the ability to think for myself. I'm in the minority.

"and an age of Islamic Fundamentalist Dark Ages will descend upon the world"
When 60,000,000 people vote for a man who could never take more than 2 tiles at once off of his scrabble tray, we've already entered a dark age. Fucktard violent criminals, blind followers, right wing nut job religious fanatics, lawyers, greedy businessmen, feminazis, corrupt judges, bullies and pie minded presidents without a shred of common sense, compassion or decency have done irreparable damage to this world, and it will get nothing but worse. We could use .000000000000000000000000000000000001% of our defense budget and come up with a common sense test to be administered to every person in the world. Fail it and pay the ultimate price. War stops, overpopulation is a thing of the past and, obviously, we elect a new president.

Unknown said...

Hey Repoman,
Thanks for writing!! missed your comments, check out iowa press-citizen pc as they ust gave me a blog on their papers website.
You really spurred me on and this time I will keep it up until we make a difference. contact me by email and tell me to add your t-shirt store to this site and the others and I shall. Again thanks for the much needed harangue!!