Friday, January 28, 2005


A little break from the truthful retelling of the Reagan era, instead of the tripe that you have learned in the inept school system or by "fair and balanced" news outlets, and their "equally" "balanced" commentators.
What in the hell has happened on the Democratic side of the aisle in the last few years. The party that saved the world from fascism in World War II, Korea, and tried to save Vietnam and the Indochina peninsula, have become the party of weakness and cowardly attitudes. The political correctness will cost this country in more money and more blood, for their anti-Americanism is not only off base, but traitorous during a time of war. The nonsense that has been spouted this week by Senator Kennedy, Boxer, Kerry, and others would be humorous if it were not giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Do they really believe the words they speak or are they playing to the party communists and socialists. This is not the party of J.F.K., Truman, Roosevelt, Johnson, or other brave souls who believed that this country was better than our past and that we "would pay any price, bear any burden" to keep us Free and to assist those around the world who wanted nothing more than a little bit of freedom for themselves.
If what we are is just a collection of idealogues who equate what we are doing with the terrorists, who would kill these self same proclaimers of our "wrong doing" throughout the world, then we are really in the last days of this republic, for the heathens who have declared a jihad against all of us shall win. These collaborators have blood on their hands by giving the homicide bombers another reason to believe that if they kill enough of our young men and women, we shall at some point turn and run home, lock the door, and hide as they trample the rest of the world until we are the last opponent standing. You know what they will do on that day, they will bring their weapons to bear on us again and we shall either stand and fight or stand and be killed for the do not want to talk, or negotiate with us. They have one and only one goal. To kill anyone who is not a true Islamic believer. Which means that Islamic moderates, Christians, non-Christians, pagans, agnostics, gnostics, atheists, anyone who does not follow their dictums will be slaughtered.
The nonsense that these Senators and other America haters have done in these last few months have made that day of reckoning more likely.
I believe that President Bush was wrong in going into Iraq, that job should have been done when his father was in office or after Afghanistan was completed and Osama Bin Laden caught, tried and executed and his terror network destroyed. In fact, Saddam should have been silently killed years ago when he and his thugs were killing his own people and the Kurds, a group who needed our help for a long time and who we ingnored because of the sensibilities of the Turkish government which did not want to recognize that they had oppressed the Kurds in their country as well.
The world of Kissinger real-politik is alive and living large in the west and particularly in this country. We do what is expedient and easy. However, as much as Bush was wrong it may turn out alright for these wonderful Iraqi people who are willing to die for their own freedom and democracy. Not like ours, but a hell of a lot better than what the Middle Eastern countries know now. If George gets it right and not too many more people die he could launch a new era in the Middle East were they could have the courage to destroy these Islamic terrorists who threaten their day to day lives unlike anything that this country has know, except for Pearl Harbor and 9/11 when we got a taste of fear that they live with everday.
I feel revulsion for the likes of Michael Moore (sorry Brad), Johnny Depp, and others including these blow hard Senators who would help our enemies by letting them believe that if they keep hammering away we will run home and take our toys with us. These cowards who not only mock the President, but treat our soldiers as if they were the terrorists, should be ashamed of themselves. It would be wonderful if they could go find the terrorists, buy them a nice dinner, and talk things over with them, so we could ease the terrorists burden of having to kill innocents daily to get the medias attention and maybe they would just go to Hollywood and hang out with their new buddies and make war movies, instead of actually waging real war.
Not likely! Exactly, the only good that would come out of that exchange would be the death of western traitors by the sincere terrorists. Oh well enough wonderful daydreams!
Reality is that there are no sides to take. We, The West is in a fight for its' very survival and if those who speak against us do not get it, the end of our civilization will come sooner, rather than later and an age of Islamic Fundamentalist Dark Ages will descend upon the world.
Get a grip people, even people as dumb as our President can sometimes do the right thing for the wrong reason. This is one of those times. It is time for everyone to pick a side; Our side or Death, for that is the only two choices!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


This is a continuation of the process of trying to cleanse and inform people of things they were not old enough to know about or things which have been obscured by revisionists or by the neglect of fact checkers.
Anyway, back to fun.
Ronald Reagan's evil extended to foreign policy as well, through the intimidation of our "allies" to take newer for advanced nuclear weapons, to "scare" the Soviet Union as well as doing business with our enemies, namely the Iranian government. It is a truth that Reagan's people made a deal with the Iranians that would keep the hostages from being released until Reagan took the office of the Presidency, just to keep any sort of victory of the hostages release to Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter was a lousy President, but without the intervention of Reagan loyalists. the hostages would have been released sooner. It was at this same time that they had the mistaken impression that they had found some moderate Iranians that we would be able to deal with. This would ultimately lead to the guns for hostages situation as well as the peace overtures which were seen by these "moderate" Iranians as a weakness they would be able to exploit in their own time.
The German allies saw the deployment of the Pershing missile for what it was; i.e. a direct threat to the killer weight of the Soviet missiles through the knowledge that while the Soviet missiles had a greater throw weight, the Pershings were faster, with much more accuracy, thereby creating an offensive threat to the Soviets.
The Reaganites will say that this was the final straw that broke the camel's back, but the reality is that we did outspend and out produce the Soviets in every way shape and form, until it suffocated their country under the weight of debt. We also were suffocated, but because we are the winners, we were able to modify thoughts and beliefs about what happened to make everyone think that we won and all was well with the world. It is the old axiom that" to the winner goes the spoils, as well the victor writes the history". We won, we write the history. This is true in our cold and sometimes warm war with the Soviet Union as well as Reagan's victory over his political enemies, who were either outspent or outwitted by Reagan and his cronies.
During his early first term while he and his "right" thinking followers were doing deals with the "moderate" Iranians, he was also following a program of cleansing Nicaragua of the "communistas". This would lead to trouble for people from Richard Secord to Oliver North, his bosses, and their bosses, but Ronny "raygun" Reagan would come out pretty much unsullied, with his "good gosh" country boy image intact. It is amazing that someone, anyone. with even the vaguest hint of intelligence could not see who was in charge and what the implicates of it were.
This duplicity was common currency of the Reagan administration throughout the entire time he was in office, and people such as Oliver North would have the audacity to go to Congress under investigation and have the gall to lecture them about what their jobs were and why they were wrong and he and his bosses were right. This was traitorous behavior for a Lt. Colonel, let alone one who had his eyes covered to the wrong doing and death that came with his view of the law. This would bring soldiers under fire and death in Central and South America, some let in on the little "secret" war and some just in the way. This would lead to Congress being alerted to secret funds, as well as secret bases in the southwest which were under control of the administration, to use for delivery of weapons, bombs, etc.,. and when caught they obfuscated and changed reality to match what they wanted Congress and the public to know.
You know what I realized today while I spoke with my friend Brad? There are so many people who were too young or who were misinformed through the public school system on the truth of this "recent" history that this will take awhile to get through. I shall turn this into a daily diatribe inregard the memory of a "beloved" man, but this will be visited often, while also giving time to the matters of today that also need truth shined upon it.
In a quick unrelated note. A bon voyage to Johnny Carson a good, shy midwesterner who did a good job and did not crave the limelight like those who pretend to follow his lead do! Johnny, enjoy the peace between the lives, and Good night for now!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Monday, January 24, 2005


Ronald Reagan is certainly a case of the packaging fooling the people, because behind his grandfatherly look, lurked a villain as dark as any he fought in the movies. Even when found out the people who reported what he really up to often still gave him a pass, because they liked the man behind the villainy.
There is a story that Sam Donaldson of ABC told, in which Reagan would tell the story of the welfare queen who would show up to get her welfare checks in her mink coat and driving a Cadillac. Sam and his associates looked into the story and searched high and low for the person behind this Reagan staple on the sump. They never found this person or anyone like it and when Reagan was corrected he took it in and then at the next stop he would tell that same story again, not because it was true, but because he wanted those "people" to be like that so that he could justify the need to end welfare and stop the welfare queens from getting money. Well, if was not enough for ol' Ronny to stop the fraud and abuse in the government, he thought that many on disability social security were also faking or defrauding the government to one degree or another. His ingenious solution was to disallow all disability benefits and require the disabled to fight there way onto the disability roles, even if this meant that some may not make it, either through inappropriate reading of the disability rules by those who were to decide the cases or that some might just die from lack of care.
This happened on more than one occasion and would ultimately lead to a Federal Judge ordering the arrest of Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler and her boss Ronald Reagan. The warrants were not enforced, but the deluge of calls and mail to Senators and Congressmen led to a bill which passed almost unanimously by both Houses of Congress and left to become law by Reagan not signing it for ten days, which relinquished and saved many of the disabled from the death and poverty which many found themselves after fighting and spending their finite resources to get on disability. This evil was rampant abuse of people who were not able to fend for themselves by a man who "knew what he knew" no matter the facts of the case.
This was the same Ronald Reagan who had his administration declare that under the federally funded school lunch programs ketchup would be a veegatable. The day that this was announced the White House was giving a State dinner which cost nearly eleven million dollars, and at which ketchup was no were listed as a vegetable.
Reagan apologists would have you believe that anything that was done during his administration that was wrong such as the above cases were done in his name, but not at his behest, and yet it was Ronny who was spouting the nonsense and getting his cohorts in the Congress to go along with his programs. This would lead to more people suffering in all areas of our country, save the board rooms of the rich and powerful, who were able to dine at the public trough like there was no tomorrow. The deficits would soar, but Reagan's slight of hand would keep people dancing to his tune throughout the first and second terms of office.
We shall have one more Ronald Reagan installment before we look at the simlarities of then and now. We shall also promise to do more later for I was given a Ronald Reagan fantasy book, I believe it says biography on it, and I am sure there will be much more to expunge and cleanse from our national memory, so that some people will see him for the dark person that he was instead of the man behind the curtain wizard of oz fable that he has become.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Saturday, January 22, 2005


The inauguration was such an awe-inspiring event I was unable to compose myself enough to sit down and type last evening. I am not sure if I was touched by the deep love expressed by the Michael Moore followers toward the President or by the equally appalling spectacle of the Rush Limbaugh “Dittoheads’” and their love for anything the Rush deems important, whether it is the President's inauguration or waiting for Rush to give them permission to use the bathroom. They are all a bunch of ADHD lemmings, with the " You know what else is shiny" attitude, just waiting for their equally extreme masters to give them the word.
Now on to some fun for this evening!
Ronald Reagan was neither the greatest President, nor even an adequate President as Presidents go. He was an alternative to Jimmy Carter, one of the best ex-Presidents, but one of the worst President's in history. Ronald Reagan was my choice for President at that time in our nations history, but only because he was the least offensive of the two. I later realized I was probably wrong on the first count and by the second term I knew that even Satan could not have picked a better person to destroy this country than Ronald Reagan, with his "ah shucks" common man demeanor, to his tear in the eye compassion, we could not have been more deceived than we were by this monster.
While his proponents like Sean "your a good american" Hannity, to George W. himself, have changed the truth of what Ronald Reagan did to this country, we who lived through the horror of his Presidency count ourselves among the few who are not deluded by platitudes and honors spoken by Reaganites’ about their beloved Ronny.
The truth is that he was barely adequate as a man let alone as the leader of the greatest nation on earth. He took over from Jimmy Carter, who we thought was terrible because Jimmy had let Americans’ be held hostage, screwed up a rescue attempt, had uncontrolled inflation, loss of jobs and a huge 50 billion dollar deficit, and for this we kicked him out.
Ronald Reagan came into office and many believed he was the person who was in the movies and that he would be good for this country. It was shortly after that inauguration that we found out that his first years deficit would double the last of Carter's and that they would continue to grow year after year until he was out of office, with the total deficit to be more in 8 years than all of the President's from George Washington to Jimmy Carter. He would bankrupt the Soviet Union, but also destroy the financial integrity of the United States of America. Little did most people understand that he would literally get rid of the good times government programs by creating deficits so high that the only way to control them further would be to erode and eliminate many of the government programs designed to assist the poorest
among our people, while at the same time enriching his friends at the hidden, but monstrous Bechtel Corp. , just as today we see the company behind George W's throne, Haliburton.
The rest of Ronald Reagan's fantasy Presidency tomorrow evening.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


There has been a wonderful elation in Washington these last few days, as the Democrats were able to beat up on Dr. Rice as she spent time before the Senators during her confirmation hearings to be the new Secretary of State. It has been a reminder of how partisan it can get and how much whining can be expressed by both sides.
The Democrats were enjoying the power of pounding on her, because of their disagreements with her and the administration in regard to the war in Iraq and other policy disagreements. Meanwhile, the Republicans and their cohorts in the news media are dismayed that anyone should be treated in such an abusive fashion. It seems just like yesterday when they did the exact same thing to the appointees that President Bill Clinton sent before these same committees. It is a truth that it depends on whose "ox is being gored".
Such pontificators as Shaun Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are totally offended and angry by this behavior on the parts of the Democrats, and of course they would "never" advocate such behavior, even though Rush made it clear at the time that we were not only under offensive rule by Clinton, but we were being held hostage by his adminstration. Truth ? Of course not, just as there is no truth in what is going on now, but of course it is all play except for the individuals who are being beaten up, and yet it must be a good job, or why would they choose to endure such abuse.
I think if there were truly to be a change in the civility in Washington it would be a great thing, but no one will take the first step, so we should just get used to the fact that Washington is merely a reflection of the attitudes of americans in general, for we like anger and we take offense at anything or anyone who disagrees with us. All of society has a road rage mentality and it is reflected in our "representatives", so unless you are going to change the way you act and treat others, do not expect any of these high and mighty "representatives" do be any better than you.
On another subject near and dear to my heart is Ronald Reagan and the god awful glorification of this evil man. I know that most people see him as a wonderful grandfatherly figure, and yet he did more damage to the people of this country as well as to many areas of the world then any other "leader", except perhaps for the President he followed.
This is just to peak your interest and hopefully you shall be back to read the next installment to find out why I believe this to be true.
Anyway, hopefully President George W. Bush shall have a nice inaguration, and no one will be hurt by wackos of the right or left. The people who are threatening an economic boycott are ridiculous and should get over the fact that John Kerry did not win. He did not win because he could not get a coherent message out to the voters, and for him to expect to win just because George W. is an idiot is really treating the american people as if they too are idiots as well. John Kerry beat himself because there is the law of Karma,and he deserved to get his ass kicked for the way he mislead people as to his positions, which changed more often that he changed skin colors. Now most politicians do a lot of self-serving catering to their constituents, but Kerry could never figure out what he believed, so how could he expect anyone else to care what he believed.
So to my friend Brad, who worships Michael Moore and to others of their ilk, may you drink heavily during the inauguration and through most of his term in office. Be glad that in four years it shall be Hillary Clinton as the first "woman" President, and the first, First Lady to be President, and then who will be trying to move to Canada. Rush and Shaun will be out of here faster than you can say Ronald Reagan, biggest deficit spender in history.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Welcome back I hope you had a good weekend.
Now to more serious agendas: It is an important week in America, as we prepare to celebrate the "real" first inauguration of President George W. Bush, who can now claim to be President after this election, due to an excess number of votes, and a ridiculously ineffective, opponent. I am sorry to say that John Kerry was probably the worst candidate that could have been fielded, unless you were picked by George Bush to run against you. he has no center, no soul, and it is a shame that people did not vote for and did have real beliefs what they were, instead of a person who has no core. What a waste of time and energy by people who really care about America, by a person who cares only about being in office, no matter what office it may be.
I ask you, are you not tired of sycophants, and pretender's.
It amazed me that in this entire nation we have these two imbeciles to choose from and better qualified people have no chance, because they cannot get the money to get themselves seen by the majority of Americans, who are addicted to television and choose a leader the same way they choose a favorite television show.
I am now going to rant on about why people should just let President George Bush, enjoy his inaugural celebration.
You know what? George W. Bush, won this election and we should allow him,and if not him, at least the office, of the respect which it deserves.
I am so tired of hearing radio and television people arguing about whether or not George Bush is our President. If you want to blame someone for the election of this small man, the it would have to go to Michael Moore, who gave people to vote against a small minded vagarant millionaire, who has nothing better to do than put down the best country on this planet.
Now, please do not get confused. We are not the best country because of who we are, but because of what we deserve to be because of our past and the karma, which we need to make amends for the things we did in the past.
The indians unfortunately paid the price for the creation of a great country. We are now indebted to them and because of them we shall save many countries and many people, due to their sacrifices. We are the city upon the hill, that Ronald Reagan spoke of, but chose to ingore, and we cannot be destroyed except by our own hand; for our future must be for the good of man-kind or we are truly lost.
So, a thought, pray well for our President and our country or at least keep heart that we know what we are doing.
See you later! Enjoy the President's party and only hope that our young men do not die for nothing, as we are truly the only country that can save this world.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Friday, January 14, 2005



For a long time I have wanted to make the my views known on nearly every subject you can think of, I have written opinion columns in the distant past, and quit after being cheated out of money by a crooked editor/publisher. Therefore, the blogs are a godsend to people who wish to have an impact on the world through information only they can provide and yet who do not trust the hands of those who we so easily give credence too, because they are the establishment press, whether it be television news, or print news. There are some people in news who try to give us a true view of the news. such as O'Reilly, or even Geraldo, but most either fall way left, like Franken, or wacko Right, like Limbaugh, the yeah "anti" drug voice of Conservative, Right thinking young fascists.

There shall also be views, rants, information on other subjects. I do expect and would enjoy hearing from anyone who wants to vent, for a reaction is what is most important when writing and communicating in general. Obviously, I do have some slanted views on things, as I feel I am radically liberal in regard to many issues, and wacko conservative in other areas. Just one example would the war in Irag, which I believe to be ill-led and ill-informed to ever go there, unless we had finished him when George Sr. wussed out in the first Persian Gulf War; but now that we are there it is traitorous to object in public, for it only gives our enemies the impetus to keep killing us. I know that we can disagree or even oppose the war, but people like Michael Moore are as guilty of our young men dying as is George Bush, because one gives encouragement to the enemy and one causes anger, rage, and revenge.

Anyway, enjoy, and we shall be back on tomorrow to give you more TRUTH!!

Daniel Carvel Kepler