Monday, April 23, 2007

Of Terrorists And Their Political Allies

I turn on the news every evening and cannot believe the things that I see. Just the other day The Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid said that the war in Iraq is lost. He did not say it was not going well, or that we might lose, he actually said that it was Lost! He tried to back pedal and has continued trying to refine his statement, but the fact that a high ranking politician would side with the terrorists against his own country is appalling and treasonous. It amazes me how this seemingly intelligent man cannot see the harm that he causes our troops and the support it gives our enemies. They now must be totally assured of their coming victory, know that merely waiting long enough will be all it takes for America to give up and go home. Is this really the message we want to send to all of those around the world who wish us harm. It is different when morons like those in Hollywood spew their anti-American sentiments to anyone, friend or foe who will give them a forum from which to denounce their own country, then it is for a representative of the people to do so. It lends support to the terrorists view that they can split this country and make it easier to destroy us. So far the terrorists plan seems to be working, with the willing participation of people like Senator Reid and Speaker of the House Pelosi spreading their defeatist propaganda for them. I guess the only thing that we can be thankful for is that these leaders were not in power during World War II, or we would all be speaking German and Japanese, because after a few of the bloody battles we went through they would have said the war was lost and we should just give up. What a world it would be, if defeatist leaders such as they were in power for any of the great and horrific times in history. The evil ones would always win, because these cowards refuse to stand up to anyone, except their own President. They should be ashamed, but then again, cowards have no shame, just as Reid and Pelosi have no shame. They will do anything to berate and denigrate the brave soldiers who fight and die so that they can be used by these shameless leaders for political advantage.
The battle will intensify this week as the Democrats move the Terrorist Spending Bill through Congress on its’ way to the desk and veto of President Bush. Hopefully after their defeat they will relent and approve the funding which our troops need to survive. The waste of time and energy should put people on notice that this Congress is not serious about taking care of the men and women that they sent to do our bidding. People are dying and these politicians are posturing and making statements instead of doing their jobs. Whether they disagree with the President or not they should not be using the funding for the troops as a way to please the America haters in this country and overseas. If they truly want to end the battle in Iraq, then they should have the courage to just bring them home by cutting off all funds and not play little timetable games, so they can pretend to care for the troops and not have to make decisions that have consequences of life and death for our troops and our nation.
We should all reflect on the consequences of leaving Iraq, by taking a look back at what happened after we left Vietnam. The bloodbath that ensued lasted for years and spread to nations around it, just as those who warned of such things had said. You would think that we would be hesitant about another move that will tear not just Iraq apart, but its’ neighbors and ultimately the whole region and perhaps the world. This is another area where dominoes will fall, not to the communists this time, but to the Islamic Terrorists who only want civilization destroyed and replaced by the Caliphate. All Muslims under one ruler or so they say. Truthfully, I do not think such a thing would happen, but I can see just an endless cycle of murder upon murder until everyone is destroyed. It will unleash carnage only described in the Book of Revelation with the destruction of all countries over time, and it will encompass all kinds of evil and brutality before the world is snuffed out by some crazy getting ahold of and using a nuclear arsenal in one of the countries they take over.
With treasonous leaders in power we should all be very afraid, because if their views come to fruition our country will be assailed by every terrorist who can catch a boat or plane or cross a border and we will see why our troops fight bravely to keep them in Iraq and away from us. Then of course it shall be too late, but that is the fate of all nations that cannot or do not have the sense to take care of themselves. We are heading down the same road and hopefully we wake up before the terrorists cross the Rubicon.
President Bush has run this war terribly, but the leaders should work together to find a winning solution and not just turn tail and run as they seem to advocate. I think that the mandate that swept the Democrats into office was more frustration than saying everything is wrong and we wish to lose another war. Leadership in the House and Senate should try and do what is best for the country, not just for themselves or their party fundraisers. Try actually being an American, instead of a bunch of condescending, elitists, as you have shown yourselves to be so far.
The President should take a note from Abraham Lincoln and declare martial law, suspend the writ of habeas corpus, throw these scoundrels into a deep, dark prison, have quick and speedy trial for treason and sedition, find them guilty, and rectify this situation the good old fashion way, through raw brute force and tyranny. The only way to save our democracy and our country is to be dictatorial for a short time to defeat the evil ones who prance through the halls of Congress and do the bidding of terrorists and try to pretend they are doing it for the people.
Anyway to our leaders, if you are reading please note that there shall come a time when the war is over and we will be watching to see if you stayed on the side of the terrorists, or if you had a change of heart and actually came back to the American side. There will one day a true reckoning for all involved and you better hope that you are on the right side. America’s the good guys and the terrorist’s the bad guy’s for you leaders that seem to have gotten that fact turned around.
Until tomorrow everyone. May the men and women standing a post anywhere in the world know that there are many of us here in America who think of you and praise your bravery and service everyday, and want you to know how much we care!!
Thank you very much!!

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