Thursday, April 26, 2007

The USA Al-Queda Democratic Party

Well the Senate Democrats joined their House of Representative allies and passed the “Please kill our troops faster” bill to the hearty congratulations of their Al-Queda terrorist supporters. This will lead to the promised Presidential veto and subsequent haggling over how to bring our troops to the brink of disaster by waiting to provide real funding for them until the last possible moment to pander to the America haters who want and actively support anything that will make us lose in Iraq sooner. Then the terrorists get onto the real business of destroying the middle east and then come after us. The people who support losing the war are very frantic to make sure that America get what it deserves and the sooner the better for them as they will be seen as citizens of the world after having helped in the destruction of their own country.
The Al-Queda wing of the Democratic Party, or should I say main body; the party cannot wait until we are destroyed so they can blame President Bush and maybe get themselves elected once more before the mullahs have them killed for actually wanting another election, in the true Caliphate there will be no elections merely one ruler for all believers (muslims) and everyone else will be summarily executed. If not for the fact that the country will be destroyed and most of us killed it would be pleasing to see the sycophants in Congress and the Hollywood elite begging for their lives before the mullahs and then being beheaded or stoned or some other exotic Muslim torture and death scheme.
Sorry, off on another rant against the leeches in Congress and Hollywood who abuse their status to the detriment of everyone.
It was another sad day in Iraq with nearly 80 killed by insurgents/terrorists with the only good thing being that this violence demonstrates just what will happen if we do leave. There will be a bloodbath which we have not seen since the killing fields of Cambodia or Rwanda. Do the people wanting us to pull out quickly not understand what will happen to all of the innocents that we pledged to protect. My God it sickens me to see the people of Iraq not knowing if they will survive day to day, but most assuredly their lives would become a thousand times worse if allowed the civil war to take place without doing our best to prevent it. We would be shamed for another generation, just as we were after Vietnam. The wounds of that war still reach down to us now and not in a good way. It affects our discourse and our whole demeanor in regard to how we should leave Iraq. We really need some serious counseling to get over the Vietnam syndrome that is plaguing the naysayers that want us to once again abandon innocent people who counted on us for a chance at a better life. If the cowards in Congress did not have the will to do this they should have never authorized the use of force which got us into Iraq and the excuse of phony intelligence is so much bullshit. They knew what the deal was and they thought it was going to be easy and give them a we look strong image for the next election as they did not have much toughness credentials after 9/11. We even hear them say “ If I knew then what I know now, I would not have voted for it”. You think, Wow are you guys bright. Hell nobody would have gone to war if they thought it was going to go so wrong. Look back though and understand that we would have never gone into any war if we were not sure we were going to win. It is like saying I would not have bought a lottery ticket if I knew I was going to lose. Jesus people get grip, this nonsensical talk is going to have serious and long term consequences. In fact, it already has given much needed support to the insurgents/terrorists who now understand that we have a date certain when we will expire, just like old bread and after that they will be able to take their time in taking control of Iraq and eventually all of the middle east as they work toward world dominion.
I am not the only saying this, but nobody wants to listen and it shall be the death of us all. Just remember to have a prayer rug ready when the death sqauds start to roam looking for non-believers in their midst, perhaps you can fake a prayer to the east and keep yourself alive a little longer. It will happen just as surely as the Democratic Al-Queda Party is in the majority in the House and the Senate of the United States of America. You better pick up a Koran for Dummies, so you can be prepared for the new leadership heading our way. Once we leave Iraq, they will be like wolves following a wounded, bleeding animal and waiting to make the kill and tear into the carcass, just like they will do to America.

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