Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Illegals Get Violent And No Veto Override

As promised illegals were out protesting our laws and demanding citizenship now! That is correct, they were not asking for citizenship, they were demanding it and in some places like Los Angeles things got violent as they threw bottles and rocks at police and were dealt with accordingly, by police breaking up the rallies and arresting many of the violent illegals.
The rallies were smaller then last year, perhaps because someone noticed that many of the illegals did not have jobs when they went back the day after the rallies last year. They may have also noticed that then citizens of this country were angry that these illegals would flaunt our laws and demand rights they were not deserving of. The only ones who want the illegals here are the politicians who view them as a future voting block, the companies that can exploit the cheap labor and the farmers who could not harvest their crops without the illegals.
The President is trying to show some leadership on this issue now, but it is far too late and far too little. His view is the same as the democrats on this issue, they both want amnesty by any other name and get these new citizens registered as quickly as possible. The only way to get anything accomplished is to do nothing for now. We must get our leaders to enforce current laws before giving away citizenship to everyone like it does not mean anything. As I mentioned before every employer should face jail terms for employing illegals and it should not matter whether they knowingly hired them or not. If their was jail time even for a first time offense these employers would make extra certain that they were not employing illegals. In addition, there should be large rewards offered for anyone who turns in an illegal to authorities. Also all law enforcement from local, state and federal should have as their mandate to arrest all illegals and they should be held until they are deported, no more catch and release policies should be allowed. Any cities that choose to be sanctuary cities should have all state and federal funds cut off, and any state that does not follow suit and cut funds should have all of their federal grants and funds stopped. This is a war and we need to start fighting it on all fronts before they get any stronger a hold on our politicians and our economy.
Now on to another immediate issue and that is the funding for the troops bill, which the President vetoed and I just saw the House of Representatives did not have enough votes to override the veto. So now perhaps the Mullahs Reid and Pelosi can stop catering to their Al-Queda supporters and try and take care of the young men and women who are fighting and dying for these ungrateful assholes. Pass a bill funding the troops without any of your defeatist come running home timetables or pork that is for your supporters back home. Just pass the damn bill that they need and fight with the President over bringing the troops home in another forum. It should not be on the backs of our brave troops.
Anyone with any sensibility or compassion for our young men and women fighting in Iraq needs to put pen to paper or email or call their representatives in both houses of Congress and send a very serious message that we want this taken care of and done so without anymore showboating or sending veto bound bills, when these troops are already feeling the pain of war . It is not right and should be allowed to continue any longer than it already has taken.
It still gets me that these supposed leaders can give aid and comfort to the enemy and not suffer any consequences whatsoever. How can this happen in our country which has fought so hard for the rights of people around the world to have such gutless leaders in these positions of power. I find offense every time they utter a word about how they are trying to help the troops in their own way. They say it so often I think they believe it, but we know that it is just so much bullshit. They even said the other day that this would lead to them gaining more seats in the next election. If this is only about seats and elections it is a very sad day for our country. There was a time when leaders did what was right not just expedient to play to the worst in our people, but to the best. Those days are long gone and it will be the death of this once great nation. Destroyed internally by the very leaders who are supposed to protect her. I am ashamed of these fellow americans and wish they would hang with their fellow travelers in the caves of Afghanistan, or the secret hiding places of their Al-Queda cohorts in Iraq and Iran. Please stop portraying what you are doing as being patriotic, it is anything but patriotic and is more accurately sedition and treason and you shall someday be judged for your words and actions to assist our enemies.
I hope that the President can find someway to get enough of the house of representatives and the Senators in the Senate to bring forth a pure funding bill which can be passed and signed quickly and after that have a real dialogue with them about how and when our troops can leave with at least some chance for the Iraqi people to have a legitimate government and something close to peace with their fellow citizens. It will be rough, but we should give them every opportunity to have some semblance of a normal life. We could then leave with dignity and respect and perhaps with a friend in that region of the world. They deserve this one last chance at stabilization and we should be proud of what we have done to foster democracy, even if it is not our type of democracy. In a part of the world that does not know that word it will be nice if they can get together for the betterment of their whole country and can be an example for others.
May God Bless our troops in harms way everywhere in the world today and always!!

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