Saturday, May 26, 2007

War Is For Revenge Not Oil

I know many people have expressed their opinion that this was a war for oil, but I think that is purely a dig at the President as he was an oilman and so it might make sense for him to wage a war to gain the oil under Iraq’s sands.
I still do not believe that is the case, I have always favored the view that it was a war of revenge for his father. Bush the senior screwed up and did not finish the job when we had the chance after we chased Iraq out of Kuwait. I believe that Bush lost the election because of that decision and I think his son was going to find a way to take care of Iraq when he came to office. The fact that many people still think that Iraq had anything to do with bin Laden’s bunch and the destruction of the Trade Centers is further proof as to how well the Bushies sold the idea that Iraq was behind the attacks. The supposed WMD’s were just icing on the cake, and voilĂ  were defeating Saddam, taking control of the country and building a democracy in the middle east.
Mission accomplished! Well not quite accomplished as we are finding out with the insurgents,terrorists, sectarian violence, civil war, etc., this mission will not be accomplished for quite awhile. We own this war and need to see it through to completion or all hell will break loose in the region and probably around the world .
Have a safe Memorial Day weekend, with Respect and Honor to all who have died for our nation and to all our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines, who are still in harm’s way throughout the world.

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