Saturday, May 19, 2007

Shut Up President Carter

Here is a good one. I just finished reading an article about former President Jimmy “the killer rabbit” Carter has come out with harsh criticism of President Bush, calling him the worst President in history. Wow he should know because if President Bush is the worst President in history then that chair is mighty cramped, because he would be sitting side by side with former President Carter.
President Carter took a pretty good country and in one short term turned it into a basket case, with high unemployment, high gas prices, high inflation, high deficits, need I go on, and the laughing stock of the world for allowing a minor nation like Iran to make fools of us.
The only people President Carter helped during his time in office were comedians and newscasters, as the hostage taking and subsequent 444 day crisis gave newspeople something to do everyday. Some like Ted Koppel of Nightline were able to turn it into a career. All the while our image around the world was turned into an image of incompetence, stupidity, timidity, and impotence like never before.
Is it any wonder that by the time Ronald Reagan came to power that the only nation we could be sure to attack and win was Grenada, and that was a quick in and out insertion and departure to “save” some students from several cubans on holiday. We were lucky we didn’t need the military for anything important at the time as they were so messed up by the Carter administration that it took well into Reagan’s era to get it strong again. And we know how far overboard the Reagan loonies took the military. We were so strong, that we nearly bankrupted the country. It is funny that Carter was followed by Reagan, another worst President, then by Bush the First, a lackluster President who failed to finish Iraq and caused the tiles to be lined up for Bush the 2nd to knock down. Then we had Clinton who was a good President, even though he was a lousy husband and a moral leper. And now we have President Bush, who while being a good person by all accounts, is dedicated to finishing this war in Iraq.
Now I believe that this war should never have been fought, unless we would have done so after Saddam gassed the kurds, but he was our buddy at that time, and so Reagan/Bush could not invade a sovereign nation, at least not one we were using to keep Iran pinned in place.
So as I have said in the past and will say again, “President Carter, shut the hell up and just go away”. This sorry representative of our country has gone overseas too many times and said bad things about our country and he should not be allowed to get away with it. For having one of the worst administrations ever you have no authority, moral or otherwise to say President Bush is the worst president in history. All your help with building homes for the less fortunate is a nice thing to do, but your anti-American comments whether it be about the current President or our troops being the terrorists and murderers is atrocious, embarrassing and wrong.
So again, Mr. “President”, “SHUT UP”!!!

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