Tuesday, February 01, 2005


This has been an amazing week with the elections in Iraq going as well as they did. It is even more amazing how many people can put their feet in their mouths at the same time, due to either a wish or a hope that everything would go wrong.
I speak of John Kerry’s appearance on Tim Russert’s show wherein he whined about losing by such a narrow margin, and calling everything in Iraq not only bad, but worse than if we had ever gone there.
Wow, could he have been given any better chance to make things better than this show and yet he made every mistake possible by someone who may run again for President. He must have been using Karl Rove, President Bush’s advisor for this one.
I was not for the war in Iraq, because I believed that we would have caught Osama Bin Laden, if we were there in force and not dividing our troops and attention by this war. However, saying that I believe that we must win this war for our safety and the safety of the rest of the civilized world, whether they choose to acknowledge this truth or not.
It takes tragedy to spur humans to do much of anything. This was seen a while back after Van Gogh was killed in Holland for being outspoken in defiance of the terrorists. This caused a backlash and that government has begun to get tough with foreigners who may be terrorists. This will happen at some time in other countries, but it is a shame that people will die, just to get their own governments to take action against these terrorists.
Perhaps this breath of “freedom” will cause more upheaval than can be imagined for freedom is something that the Middle East is not very familiar with. Many governments, even “friendly” ones may be at risk if freedom takes root.
This should be a proud time for our country and we should all hope that Iraq will be able to make things work out for their people. They have suffered for a long time and it would be amazing to see these people be able to have a more normal life, were they have a job, raise their families, and see death and destruction reduced due to the efforts of our troops and our policies, as flawed as they may be.
Hurrah for the Iraqi people!

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