Sunday, February 13, 2005


Another week of turmoil and violence in Iraq, with the insurgent, terrorists having more fun killing their fellow Islamists’ in the name of Mohammad. I have come to believe that these people are not doing this for their religion, but because they are too stupid to do anything constructive and instead choose to end their miserable existence, with the one unfortunate side effect being that they kill constructive members of their society as well as themselves.
Is it really such a stretch of their imaginations to imagine a country where they are making a difference for the betterment of their families and their neighbors. Why must everything in their lives revolve around destruction and death. Everyone seems to want to blame the clerics who instruct these people in what they are supposed to be doing and intentionally inculcate these people into the cult of destruction for a greater good. Whose good? The clerics, what kind of cleric advocates violence and murder for its’ young to embrace. This is the way of the Middle East and the Saudi Arabians in particular. For if you pay any attention to facts at all you will see that it was not Iraqis, or anyone else in great numbers, except for Saudi’s who were killing our people in the Towers and the Pentagon on 9/11.
I think we should look at our policy again toward the Saudis and let these junior fascists know that we do not appreciate their funding of clerics and schools which portray us as the white devils that the groups who hate us show their students and followers as a rationale for killing us.
There should be a retelling of the story of our alliances with the countries in the Middle East and we should put our time, energy, and money in the countries that are on our side, not just for private view, but for public.
George W. said that you are either for us or against us. If this is true then let us get to it and find out who are true friends are, and the rest would then be considered our enemies and dealt with accordingly.
This is not only a policy for the Middle East, but for the world in general. The Chinese are only interested in business with us, while their whole view of the world is to rule it by 2035. We should let them know now that this will not occur, and they will need to begin to work with us, or we shall end all trade with them and if need be war with them. I am tired of petty men and petty leaders who will not do what is needed to insure our survival as a great nation.
We are the last, best hope for this world. I know that many think we are a greedy, disgusting, and evil nation, but they forget if conquest was our only goal we could have achieved that a long time ago. We must atone for what we did to the Native Americans, and I believe that is why we continually run to the aid of nearly anyone in trouble, from small countries, to the great wars of the 20th Century. We are dying to assist those who cannot do for themselves. This is a laudable goal and one which makes me proud to be an American. I know that you self-loathers are hating this , but truth is we do more good for more people than any other country in history. Like or leave it, we are the good guys; maybe not the great guys, but definitely the good guys. Onward America!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

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