Friday, February 11, 2005


This week has been eventful in ordinary and extra-ordinary ways, from the probable take over of the Democratic Party by Howard Dean, who if he is not a Republican Manchurian Candidate is the best hope they have to retain the White House.
Dean is a nut with radical ideas and intolerable stupidity who should not be allowed to take over the only party with the power to contest the offices in this country.
I am not a Democrat, but I believe that there are some good Democrats, though at present you would hard pressed to find very many, as most of the leadership has chosen to be traitorous in the extreme. They are almost gleeful when our soldiers are killed so that they can blame George W. for it and say how they knew that this war was wrong. As you may have read I too think that it was probably ill-conceived, because I believe that we should have just assassinated the bastard, Saddam Hussein, and been done with him. However, the way things have gone even with the violence has been a wonderful thing to behold. To have a democratic election in Iraq in such a short period of time since the technical end of the war is great.
I know most people can pretend that it was not a democratic election because it was not like one of our elections, but for a middle eastern country where democracy is barely a word, it was amazing. So to Senators Kerry, Kennedy, Boxer, Feinstein, and others, shut the hell up, unless you can do better, your arrogance is showing and merely using flatulence for words is beneath your intellects.
Back to Howard Dean and the destruction of the Democratic Party, unless, and until the one person who can save them gets the opportunity. I speak of none other than Senator Hillary Clinton, who is one of the shrewdest politicians around. She has the insight and the credentials to take the Presidency in 2008, and become not only the first woman President, but the first, First Lady to become President. I think it would do to have men grabbing their short hairs as a woman takes control of the reigns of power. I for one would only see this for what it is a breakthrough and about an about time. For god’s sake women have been running countries throughout the world for over 6000 years and yet we Americans find it unfathomable that a woman could do such a thing. That implicitly shows our sexism and ignorance at the same time.
On a short humorous note, I would hope that Hillary would pick a good running mate, perhaps Senator Edwards, who deserves a second chance, just for the fact that he was able to stand next to the dolt Kerry and not vomit every time Kerry said something different from what he had said only five minutes before. They would make an impressive and intelligent team, which could be the ticket that could bring people back to vote for them. They would merely have to stay on message and I do mean one message, not several competing messages as Kerry did during the 2004 coronation.
Daniel Carvel Kepler


Anonymous said...

AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH stop saying that Hilary should be the next President! said!


Anonymous said...

Here, want some fucked up shit to blog about? Try this:
