Thursday, February 03, 2005


It would seem that the terrorists are still not taking no for an wnser as they have killed more innocent Iragis in the last few days. There should be some note taken however, to the fact that it is not a blood bath. I was sure that if this elections occurred as they did that shortly aftwerward the terrorists would launch a last ditch assault to unhinge our coalition partners, as well as to stifle the pride that we had toward our troops for making the lections possible through their sacrifices.
On to another battle. The battle for the soul of the Democratic party is being waged and from the look of things, the Republicans should be congratulating themselves for the victories to come. The extreme wacko wing of the Democratic party is taking control of that apparatus which will bring in the money and allocate who gets what and how much they will get. If they choose Dean, the party will lurch dramatically toward an isolationist side, which will not earn them any plaudits from the Ameriacn people and will result in more seats for the Republicans in nearly every area of government.
If the Democrats would like to occupy the White House again any time in the near future they need to bring in someone who is a centrist, for as Bill Clinton, the most successful Democrat in 20 years knew; "elections are won in the middle" not on either fringe of the parties. You need to be acceptable enough to Independents and Moderate Republicans, that would allow them to cross over and vote for you because what you are saying is in line with what they are thinking.
Having crazies run your party is a sure way to be defeated. This is evident not only in who they are looking at to run their party, but by who they allow to represent them in public, i.e. the Senators, such as Boxer, Kennedy and Kerry, who have profound disagreements with George W., and instead of attacking him, they attack his nominees, Rice for Secretary of State, and Alberto Gonzalez.
We already know that John Kerry is a punk, who should have been hung from a light post for allowing George W. to defeat him, because of his lame answers and his constant striving to be everything to everyone. For god's sake, if their had been an alien land he would have come out the next day dressed up to look like one. As I have written earlier every thinking person could see that John Kerry has no soul, nothing inside that he really believes in, unless you believe that just wanting to be elected is enough to believe in; even though you have no clue as to what you would do if you were elected. That my friend's is John Kerry, lots of glamour on the outside and hollow in the center.
George W. won because people knew what he stood for, even if he is dumb as a stick and plain wrong in just about everything he does, he at least knows what he believes in.
Anyway, the Senators have shown their pettiness, and you would think that blacks and hispanics would be calling the Democratic Party and telling them to shove it, if this is how they treat blacks and hispanics who are qualified for the jobs that they are being confirmed for. They may not think like the extremists in either party, but the Senate is to advise and consent. If someone can do the job even if you do not believe as they do, the Senate should pass them along. Secondly, the voters gave the President permission to appoint these people, by voting him back into office. Unless you are dumber than George W., everyone knew what kind of people he would appoint if re-elected.
I believe they should give the President what he wants, because I think we can survive 4 more years, and if they give him what he asks for, they can then point to the record deficits which are even now soaring and use his record to defeat the next Republican. Do you Senators not understand simple psychology. Give him what he asks for and when it goes to hell the voters will reward your party and punish his!
As a quick aside. This has been late due to technical difficulties, due to a problematic router, which I have replaced. Thank you for your patience. We shall be back tomorrow with updates, revelations and unveilings of information to come in the weeks ahead.
If you wish to e-mail me, it has changed to
Danie Carvel Kepler


Anonymous said...

Thanks for finally gettin something up here. I would like to see more content and more rage if its in ya

Anonymous said...

Oh ya, another thing...I see Daniel publishing his e-mail address...don't bother, he won't answer his mail anyway. :(
