Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bombers Trying To Hit Europe

Just days before the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States, European security forces in Germany and Denmark uncovered two terrorist cells that officials said Wednesday were planning massive attacks even more deadly than the bombings in Madrid and London.

For many Europeans, the threat of a major terrorist attack still does not seem an imminent danger. But the round of arrests this week shows that terrorist cells with links to al-Qaeda are stepping up activity in Europe, and that increasingly, the plotters are European-born.

So the clock continues ticking away, as we hold our collective breaths, in anticipation of an attack of some sort occuring on the 9/11 anniversary, so that the terrorists can remind us that they are still not done with us. It sounds like "officially" there is no threat level elevation, but surely there is something in the works, even if they cannot put a finger on a specific plot at the moment.

I was very impressed with this story, and how well the Germans and the Danes, were able to uncover these plots, and stop them with time to spare. Good Job!

I hope that as this deadly anniversary comes and goes, we can all be a little more cautious about where we go, i.e. not being around big crowds of people, and perhaps be wary of unusual or suspicious activities around us, and report them if you see any.

Sorry, not trying to be too paranoid, certainly I am going to be a little more cautious than usual as this anniversary gets here.


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