Friday, September 07, 2007

Boogeyman bin-Ladens Back

He's Back!! There is a new tape being released by Osama bin-Laden on the eve of 9/11. This boogey-man is surely trying to make sure that we know he is still waiting to attack us once more. Did you see the still photo? Whoever did the coloring job on his beard should be beheaded, or perhaps he used grecian formula, but it looks hilarious. One news report even said that he was "photoshopped", I guess that is just where the photo is "corrected" by computer to look the way you want.

Anyway, the United States government has obtained a copy of a purported new videotape of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin-Laden and is studying it, U.S. officials said on Friday. An Islamist Web site said earlier on Friday it would soon show a new video of bin-Laden, the first in nearly three years, to mark the sixth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the United States.

I was wondering today what kind of an idiot who is worth millions, albeit through his family, and chooses to hide in a cave in the remotest region of Pakistan/Afghanistan, and plots the demise of the West, and the United States in particular. What a sad, pathetic, little man he is, and all this time he could have been using his money and influence for the benefit of Muslims, instead of causing their deaths.

The other day I was a little paranoid for our country on this anniversary of 9/11, but after seeing that photo, I am not. We mostly go about our daily lives in relative peace, and this piece of dung, hides from the world, all the while knowing that there is a huge bounty on his head if he even peaks his head out of the ground, like a gopher. Who should be more afraid, him or us? My conclusion is bin-Laden should be more afraid, after all he is not even man enough to commit the murders he plans. So much for his true belief in jihad. He sends young boys and girls to die for his twisted soul.

It is only going to take one "lucky" or brave soul to put a bullet through his temple, and end his, miserable life on this plane, thus allowing him to move onto hell, where things will get Really interesting.

bin-Laden, I dare you to stick your head out of your hole, where you will not only see your shadow, but the end of your existence, and sooner than you think!

For the memories of all 9/11 victims, I offer my condolences, my remembrance, and my prayers! Rest In Peace!


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