Sunday, October 28, 2007

13 Creepiest Places On Earth

Below is a a list of the 13 Creepiest places on earth as complied by Ralph Martin of Conde Nast Traveler for a special issue for Halloween

Step away from that pumpkin! While we're more than happy to get into the swing of Halloween, we refuse to do a roundup of the trite and not-so-true haunted hotels around the world. Nonetheless, in our travels we've happened upon a number of places that are genuinely creepy, from a dive site among WWII wrecks in Micronesia to a tour through the eerie, abandoned town near Chernobyl in the Ukraine. You'd be wrong to dismiss these destinations as merely spooky stop-offs, too. Many have true historical significance (the Paris Catacombs and its links to the French Revolution), while others are destinations of great beauty (the Easter Islands in the Pacific Ocean). So in the spirit (sorry) of the season, here are 13 (sorry again) of the world's weirdest destinations. Sensitive souls should read on with caution.

If you have any creepy, spooky, or weird places, please send them to me and I shall put them in an update for readers to check out!! Thank You All!!


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