Saturday, October 20, 2007

Bill Maher Security Bouncer

I found this amusing little story, when I turned on my computer this morning and thought you might like a laugh with your coffee, or Diet Mt. Dew, my caffeine drug of choice!

It seems Bill Maher can add "security guard" to his job description alongside comedian and political commentator.Maher on Friday night helped security remove a rowdy protester from the studio during his weekly HBO show "Real Time with Bill Maher," and it was all captured on live television.

Bill Maher is a famous Bush basher, and I was a one-time fan back in the days before 9/11, when I thought it was an interesting concept show, with celebrities, etc., discussing current events and politics. I watch pretty much any show that discusses those subjects, from the old days of Crossfire to O'Reilly, and shades in between. I watch Hardball occasionally, but Chris Mathews is such a know-it-all punk that it is hard to listen to his whiney voice talking down to his "guests"!

Anyway back to Bill Maher, the "comedian" typically expresses hate to all things Bush/Cheney, and lost his original show on ABC, after saying how brave the terrorists were that flew into the Twin Towers on 9/11, because they were willing to die for their cause.

In this one issue, i.e. the conspiracy theories about 9/11, Maher says that he supports Bush, and states that there was no conspiracy by the government or anyone else, but the terrorists, to bring down the Towers. So enjoy the "little" story and have a Great Sunshiny Weekend!!

Oh, if you wish to know about Bill Maher and his beliefs, merely type in his name in your search area, and the first 10 places are excellent sources of information. They include a couple of official sites, wikipedia, etc. Take Care!


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