Saturday, October 20, 2007

Rampant Sexual Misconduct In Schools

There is a story I was just reading regarding serious sexual misconduct running rampant in the schools. Then again this story may not be at all surprising to you, as we consider the numerous stories that have reported in every facet of the news media. It should however, make you angry that so little is being done about it by the schools, and instead requires the due diligence of victims and their parents. This is about our children and should one area, where one strike, and you are out FOREVER!! No pyschological counseling, no forgiveness, just straight too the point victim's justice. Hell we cannot expect this from our justice system with regard to pedophiles and their crimes against children, so I suppose it isn't any wonder than the justice system is also letting us down, with the people that we trust to take care of, and teach our chidlren!! Justice and society is not only blind, but mostly stupid as well, and this is an excellent example of that stupidity!!

The young teacher hung his head, avoiding eye contact. Yes, he had touched a fifth-grader's breast during recess. "I guess it was just lust of the flesh," he told his boss.That got Gary C. Lindsey fired from his first teaching job in Oelwein, Iowa. But it didn't end his career. He taught for decades in Illinois and Iowa, fending off at least a half-dozen more abuse accusations. "Hung his head my butt", he should have been forever banned from any position of authority over children, and the school offcials and our countries rules and laws inadequately handling this epidemic. Personally, I would be for the use of any and all sanctions against these creeps. If the law authorities and the justice system are not up to the task, perhaps good "old western" citizen justice, would be in order.

The ACLU and their cohorts are forever sticking their noses in these types of cases and protecting the poor little sexual deviant teachers, and the poor little perverted pedophiles. Why couldn't they once be on the side of the angels, and assist an innocent child victim with getting justice. No, I guess that would be against their charter, to assist any Real victim. They are only allowed to defend criminals and perverts!! If you do not think the ACLU is on the perverts side, remember this story from 2000, and this is just one example: The American Civil Liberties Union has asked a judge to dismiss what it calls an "unconstitutional" lawsuit against a national pedophile organization being sued in a wrongful death case after two of the group's members brutally raped and murdered a 10-year-old boy. The $200 million civil lawsuit, which charges the North American Man-Boy Love Association with wrongful death, was originally filed in Massachusetts Federal District Court on May 16.

Anyway, we need to start holding all school officials personally liable civilly and ciminally for the actions of the teachers that they allow into a classroom after knowing that allegations of sexual misconduct have been made against a teacher. In addition, the communities need to be held liable. When it starts costing Big $'s cities will make sure that everyone is on the same page, and that is the page that protects the children of this country from these perverts!!



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