Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Did Fallen Riverside Soldier Commit Suicide?

I was directed to a story which is running in the Iowa City Press-Citzen today, March 18th, 2008, and written by Kathryn Fiegen, which relates the story of a deceased soldier from Riverside, Iowa, and his "supposed" suicide!

The family of a fallen Riverside soldier said they still have unanswered questions after receiving the results recently of an investigation into his death that concluded he killed himself in Iraq.

Initial reports said U.S. Army Sgt. James Musack, 23, of Riverside, was killed in a non-combat related incident Nov. 21, 2006, in Samarra, Iraq. He was serving his second tour of duty in Iraq with the 4th Infantry Division out of Fort Hood, Texas. The U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command investigated the death and concluded in December 2007 that it was a suicide.

There are several articles out there concerning the large number of "suicides" occurring among our Troops, but if his family is correct, there may be another motive for his "death". We have seen other rapes, and murders that are just now coming to light, and if he was in the "know" of such a situation, it may have led to his "death"!

Please take the time to write your Congressmen and Senators and request a new look at this case. Perhaps Sgt. Musack, did commit suicide, and our hearts go out to his family, but if there is something more sinister at work, they deserve to know the truth, and we as citizens deserve to have our military act accordingly!! Get Dr. Michael Baden to do an autopsy, and put the best investigators on this case, to find the "truth", whatever that "truth" might be!!

In either case, May Sgt. James Musack, Rest In Peace, and let's help bring some peace to his family!! Thank You!!


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