Friday, June 20, 2008

McClellan Is STILL A Punk

I think that our President is "criminally" stupid, and has caused very great damage around the world, but for many that is not a strong enough term. There are those who compare Bush to Adolph Hitler~~and Hitler would have gotten better coverage than Bush. So Scottie is Bush's, Joseph Geobbels, except he is a sneaky snake, snitch, instead of a stand by your Furher kind of guy, like Joseph.
Anyway, I despise Scottie boy as much or more than Bush for the simple fact that Scottie was one of Bush's best friends from Texas days, followed him like a little puppy, spewed the lies day after day, and then "after" leaving the White House, chose to make some money, by bashing his former boss, friend, and colleagues~~~and get this~~~All to make bipartisanship, and civility possible once more???
B.S. has not had a better purveyor than this wordsmith, since Bush/Cheney themselves "linked" Saddam/bin-Laden/911 together in the "same" breath, before the war!! We already "know" that Bush/Cheney are lying, evil war criminals, so Scottie's "clearing" his conscience ploy is merely Beltway Theater, and a way to make some Big Money at the same time!

There is right and wrong in this world, and just because Scottie boy is coming out now, does not mitigate the circumstances of his lying to us for his boss/buddy, and now when he knows there "may" someday be indictments or war crimes, he is turning snitch to finger the "bigger" fish above him~~so typical~~and so annoying. So for other snitches, and war criminals, if you have to follow an example of what to do to make things right, don't follow Scottie, Please use Adolph & Joseph as templates for what to do!!
Suicide May NOT Be Painless, but it would save us a butt-load of money, instead of having to prosecute "you" worthless Bastards!!! Bush~Cheney~et al~(special invite for Scottie & fellow warmongerers)~~do us all a favor, have a little "prayer" breakfast in the War Room (Bunker), and make a "Hilterian" sacrifice, and save this nation from more of "you" and "your" minions Evil!!

Now for the story I was reading of the Punk A$$ Bitches testimony at Yahoo News:
If the nation doesn't trust the Bush White House, it's the president's and Dick Cheney's own fault, Bush's former spokesman told Congress Friday.
From life-and-death matters on down, the rationale for war, the leaking of classified information, Cheney's accidental shooting of a friend, the government's top two leaders undermined their credibility by "packaging" their version of the truth, former press secretary Scott McClellan said.
He described the loss of trust as self-inflicted, telling the House Judiciary Committee that Bush and his administration failed to open up about White House mistakes.
The focus of the panel's hearing was the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity, and McClellan said that was a good example of the administration damaging itself by backtracking on a pledge be upfront.

link to the punks story

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