Friday, June 13, 2008

Update On The Coral Ridge Mall And The Floods

I just received an update from the Coral Ridge Mall, which has addressed many concerns, which I had earlier today, about why we are open. While there have been some upset customers contacting the mall and asking why we are open, there have been Thankful shoppers who were extremely happy that we were here, for clothes, supplies, food, and a place to go, instead of being cooped up in their hotel rooms, as they ride out this disaster.

As you could tell this morning, I was annoyed that the Mall employees were put in jeopardy, just to get here and avoid being fined for not opening, or for not opening on time (or so I thought). The memo that I just received indicates that they Do understand that some people will not be able to make it in tomorrow (Saturday 14th) as we will be open regular hours. They also advise everyone to check the routes to get here, before trying to drive in, by calling 511 through the Iowa Department of Transportation.

My view from the aspect of shoppers "thinking" it was safe to come here, "just" because the Mall was open, and when they call guest welcome center, they are told that we are open, and I do not think most people actually know how bad it is, or how bad it will be, unless they were here in 1993. I did not live here then, but came down to visit my brother, his wife, and their children, so I saw the devestation, and can only imagine what this 500 year flood is going to do, when an additional 5 feet of water gets here this Monday.

IMPORTANT: Monica Nadeau ~~General Manager of the Coral Ridge Mall, mentions that the Mall is one of the few businesses in the area, not expected to flood. She also says that one of the ways we can reach out to the community, and offer assistance, IS by keeping the doors open and welcoming everyone during this difficult time. I have also had a chance see many frustrated parents, just glad they had a place to bring their children for the day, before going back to their "new" home at the hotel, so I will consider that we do offer a service by being open. It is also nice to know that if someone cannot get here, due to the floods, their business will NOT be fined, as there are extraordinary circumstances. This is particularly important for small businesses that may have only one employee, or may be the only employee, so they will not "kill" themselves trying to get here to be in compliance.

A little understanding on all sides will make the continuing, and worsening situation a little better. Sometimes I am impulsive and a "know it all", when I should wait and get all the facts before letting my Diet Dew soaked brain write anything, which I did not do this morning!! i was annoyed by the drive-in with "idiots". I was "what the hell are we doing here", and I was "positive" I was right, and so the Mall must be wrong~~information is an awesome thing, in looking at things from another perspective, which I have now done!!

My thanks to Monica for clarifying the Malls policies for everyone, employee and visitors alike. Come see us, if it is safe for you to do so, and with children be very cautious, but we SHALL be here for you!!

May we have a Great Deal of Luck over the next days, and weeks, as we pull together and keep these cities, and this state from deteriorating into chaos!!

Have a Safe Friday~~and Remember to NEVER Cross water running over the road, as just a few feet can wash your auto away, with you in it!!

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