Tuesday, March 15, 2005


China must have decided that this is the time for them to move against the Taiwanese either because they believe that they are that strong or that the West is too weak to stop them.
This is going to be a very dangerous situation if we cannot get the Chinese to understand right away that we will not allow them to go in and take over Taiwan by force. We need to get our friends in Europe to also let the Chinese know that they will stand with Taiwan if push comes to shove. I fear that this will not be the case and we will with probably Great Britain, Australia, and Japan, be the only ones who will stand against China in this upcoming showdown.
The Chinese have flexed their muscles with the law they passed the other day authorizing force to maintain their control over Taiwan, even as the Taiwanese fight for their freedom from Chinese control.
To make sure that the Chinese get this message we should immediately dispatch top officials to talk to their leaders. We should also send at least one and probably two battle groups to the area near Taiwan. We should assist them in upgrading their defense forces with the inclusion of at least some tactical nuclear weapons, This would definitely let the Chinese know that we are tired of their long range plan to control the world and if we need to go to war with them it is better to do so now, rather than later. Even with their large size they would quickly fall to our superior weaponry if we need to go high tech and nuclear.
I am sure that even as I write this many in the news media and the left wing of our country are trying to find someway to allow China to take over Taiwan by whatever means needed and to make it look as if that is a good thing for the Taiwanese. Anyone with a brain will know that this is nonsense, but daily we are reminded that there are a lot of people in this country that do not have a brain or a clue as to how the world works.
The days are growing short for Taiwan and I hope that you will pick up a telephone, write a letter or e-mail and let our servants in Washington know that we will not allow Taiwan to be sacrificed for business interests or expedience, no matter the reason.
I do not want to go to war while we are still busy in other areas of the world and we cannot let a bully of a country like China do what they want just because it may make it more difficult for us to overcome this dangerous situation.
Now I am waiting to hear from George W. as to what he is going to do, but I believe that he shall move more in the line of what I am laying out here this evening. Perhaps he will not use nuclear weapons against China or weapons of any kind, but I hope that he will at least give this situation the attention that it requires. His father was an ambassador to China and I believe that he likes the Chinese, but he needs to hold faith with our obligation to Taiwan as we have since the end of World War II, when we said that we would defend this island against Chinese encroachment of any kind. Realpolitik concerns have at times made this commitment seem fleeting at best, but each time we have come down on the right side and stood with our friends in Taiwan.
I know that it seems that everyday that we face an even more uncertain world than we did in the old Cold War days and it is true that we do, but it also means that are more opportunities to make the world a better, more free place as well. My hopes are on the side of the Taiwanese and their desire to stay as free as is possible.
Keep alert for there are vipers among us and China is one of the biggest vipers posing a threat to us at the current time. Watch and worry until they are handled and subdued.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

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