Monday, March 14, 2005


This has been a disappointing day, with the surrender of Brian Nichols in Atlanta over the weekend and the refusal to shoot him dead upon his surrender. In the best of all worlds he would have been shot dead and perhaps a few stray bullets would have taken out journalists as well. I know I should not hope that journalists would die, but the truth is that they make it possible for creeps like Nichols to get away. They do this through their blind faith in the first amendment and their ability to make police kowtow to them and criminals every time they arrest someone.
The ACLU is just as guilty as the journalists, because they are so determined to make sure that criminals not appear to be criminals that they cannot be shackled or in any other way be made to look like the criminals that they are. This is also a dark day for political correctness, which claimed the lives of four more people, because a big man was being guarded by a little woman. What in the hell is going when a known danger to the court can be allowed to be guarded by a small woman, or for that matter a small man. This was a job for multiple officers in an offensive stance, so that nothing else can go wrong.
This creature not only deserves the death penalty, but if he does not get the death penalty there is no way that anyone could qualify for the death penalty again. The fact is that if anyone defends this creature they should also go with to the death chamber. Everyone knows what happened and there is no reason or excuse for what he did. Simple, he is guilty, he should die, and not fifteen years from now, but next week at the latest. He does not deserve the protection of the constitution as he gave up that right when he attacked those law enforcement people.
We should begin using journalists for what they are good for, which would be as homicide bombers. We should enlist them in this great fight, either voluntarily or not and use them to attack terrorists. This could be by means other than bombs when necessary. One way would be to have some of them be injected with Ebola and allowed to go and interview terrorists which would then infect them and anyone of their cohorts, thus cutting them down by somewhat peaceful means. Perhaps they would be so kind as to die quietly through sickness and then they may be too sick to attack anyone while they are dying in their hideouts.
The above plan is just one of many that I would institute if given the job of protecting this country. So, if anyone is out there that really is interested in winning this war against terrorists, please contact me and I shall make sure that we win. This war requires people like myself who can think in ways more deadly than any terrorist. I believe this is a gift in a way for it allows me to think as they do and to see how many places could they hit us if they chose to do so. I would not want to write them here for fear that they might take one of these ideas and run with it, but there should be someone thinking about what he or she would do if they were terrorists and where they would strike to cause the most terror. It is not even necessary to kill that many people, for the whole goal of terrorists is to make citizens fear to do things that would normally be part of their lives. This is where I fear terrorists will concentrate, because if they can make us fearful every time that we leave our homes, then they have done what they want to do. Changing how we live our lives is the worst that can happen to us.
When we sit down at night we should all think about what needs to be done to stop terrorists. The airwaves should be set up to inform our nation of what we need to do to stop terrorists, from what to look for to how to turn people in when they suspect someone, a friend or family member who may be terrorists or who may be in collusion with terrorists. We must get the safety of the last few years out of our thoughts and get back to fearing what may happen. This is not to make us afraid, but to make us diligent like we were right after 9/11 happened. I think that we have gotten used to alerts and we no longer see the world in the dangerous way that we did just a few years ago. We have got to remember the old adage that “if we do not remember the past, we shall be doomed to repeat it”, wake up my fellow citizens, we must be on our guard each and every day!
Daniel Carvel Kepler


Anonymous said...

Do you really want big brother and more particularly George Bush to have this kind of power which can be used against all of us?

Unknown said...

If that is what is needed to stop these people from killing innocents, than perhaps we shall have to give up a lot of freedoms, and yes we may have to turn in friends and relatives if they are terrorists. Wake up to the reality of the 21st century!!