Wednesday, March 23, 2005


There will be one more day before my article about David Irving as I am reading his books and materials and do not want to write about something that I do not know about. I do not just listen to what is being said about any subject by any type of media. I have to read about it and learn about it myself, and only after I do this can I write something that I not only know about, but believe what I say about a given subject.
There has been so much news lately that I am sure that many people have not really paid attention, due to all of the items hitting us square in the
Face with all of these subjects. There is tragedy after tragedy and we sometimes become immune to one more story.
This week we have had the Jessica Lunsford resolution, in that we have a creep who has been charged with the crime, and hopefully will be put to death, and the sooner the better.
We have had the shooting in Red Lake, Minnesota, as well as the continuing saga of Terri Schiavo, who is in my prayers as she is being put to death. Now anyone who reads me understands that she should be allowed to die, but she should not have to be starved to death to prove a point. For god’s sake, she should be allowed to be injected with an agent which would allow her to go to sleep and wake up in god’s arms.
My god, criminals who are on death row are given a more humane way to die than Terri Schiano is experiencing right now. Why is our country so messed up that this young lady cannot be allowed to die without torture chamber privileges. They say she cannot feel pain! After all these are the same doctors that think that she is never coming back, even though she is not on a respirator or any other form of artificial living, except for the being fed with a tube. We probably have friends who are less cognizant of the world that Terri is. This sounds like a total reversal of what I wrote a few days ago, but in reality there is nothing close at all.
I believe that she should have been allowed to die a long time ago. She should have been given an injection to allow her to die without pain. I also believe that her husband did something to cause this to happen to her. I know that reality is that we shall probably never learn anything more than we know now. It is sad that the whole country is paying attention to a young lady who while being a cause celebre’, is not really even a part of wha happening to her, because of her “situation”. May god have mercy on her and allow her to die soon, because I for one do not believe that she does not feel pain. I have been in a coma and I am pretty sure that I remember things that I have been told I should not remember due to the state I was in!
Allow Terri to be killed in a more humane way and the perhaps this country can have a real dialogue about life and death in these United States.
We have let the Europeans ahead of us again, in that most of their countries allow assisted suicide. Etc, while we in America are still unable to bring ourselves to realize that humans, which is what we are, have lives that come to an end. I know I can say for real that I am one of those unbelievers, as I believe that we only die when we are ready anyway. Perhaps that fact that I have survived many near deaths has allowed me to be so callous. I really do not mean to be flip about death, but over the years I feel that I have come to understand his purpose and why I have survived. Now to be truthful this insight did not come to me, because I am too esoteric in my thinking, but it did come to my girlfriend. She is a Christian, but not an overly aggressive Christian who tries to shove things down your throat. She is wonderful as she allows everyone to believe what they want and hopes that what we believe is the same as what god believe’s which would be good, just in case we are somehow offending the almighty.
Anyway, I do tend to prattle on. Please everyone Christian or not. Take a moment to think about Terri Schiavo and anyone who you may know who is in a similar circumstance. Please let her sleep forever in peace.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

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