Sunday, March 06, 2005


The world has changed much in the last fifty years and one of the biggest changes has been due to the onslaught of feminism. I know that from this beginning many of you may get the idea that feminism is a bad thing. On the contrary I think that for the most part it has been a boon to men and women everywhere.
I have a friend you believes that feminism is the worst thing that could have happened to this world and while he is extremely liberal in most areas in this one area he is like another Rush Limbaugh, who we all know is very anti-feminist in his vocalizations and thinking. Anyway my friend has an old testament approach to all things feminine and he thinks that women should look and act feminine as well. This is a quaint approach to our modern world, but it is alright that there are still some people who choose to live a more simple and perhaps antiquated life. It seems to work nicely for the Amish and a few other Luddite groups who do not see the modern world as a benefit, but probably more rightfully thought of as a “curse”.
One of the greatest areas of contention that I have found is in the fact that these people do not believe that a woman could or should be President of this nation, and yet history has shown that women have been ruling nations almost since the beginning of recorded history and probably long before that.
So really isn’t a bit silly to think that a woman who is every bit as intelligent as a man and perhaps more so could not run this country at least as good as and perhaps better than the men that we have chosen to lead our nation. I for one find it entirely appropriate and quite exciting to contemplate this nation run by a woman, who may not irrationally go to war to prove something and who may more of a humanistic agenda than men have had before.
Women burned their bras back in the seventies to prove they were more than what that bra represented and yet after all is said and done a lot of women have decided that a more traditional role is perfectly acceptable to them. There are women who go to work and even a career and in some households they may even be the primary bread winner. On the other hand there are those women who stay home and take care of the house and the children. They may even relish their roles as the domestic goddess. This is what has come of the rights that women fought for all those years ago. The right to be whatever they want to be and not to be forced to work if they choose to stay, but giving them that right to choose and no one else.
In fact, there are women who work and take care of the home and this reality is facing more and more people just for the simple facts of mathematics and men and women being unable to carry the load by themselves, whether it be financially, emotional, etc.,. This is the simple fact of living in the twenty-first century and having bills to pay which cannot be paid by one person in many instances. Men and women challenging the future together, side by side. This is a future we should all find to be more comforting than either the luddite philosophy or the feminist manifesto philosophy.
Women are the best thing that could happen to any man and we should relish and appreciate them for all that they are and all that they shall become.
Thank the next woman that you meet for all that she is to this world, for they shall rule this nation one day and they will again rule the planet in the future. After all earth is ruled by Mother Nature, Gaeia, whatever you want to call her she is the mother and mistress of all humans. Feminism was not the be all and end all, but it did give them much of what women desired and deserved, now it is up to them to fill in the blanks for how they wish to be treated and accepted. Women are great and good. God should be thanked daily for their presence and truthfully do we really think that Eve took a bite of the apple or was that written because the writer’s of the Bible were men?!
Daniel Carvel Kepler


Anonymous said...

Boy, oh boy, where to begin? I normally respect and appreciate your writings, although they do stray from reality on occasion, but this one is filled with so much swill I have no idea where to start.

"who do not see the modern world as a benefit, but probably more rightfully thought of as a "curse""
While I enjoy the modern world as far as being able to toast bread without having to start a fire and being able to go to the store without having to hitch up the team, I certainly don't enjoy this modern world full of disease, crime, suffering, pollution, unemployment and violence.

"In fact, there are women who work and take care of the home and this reality is facing more and more people just for the simple facts of mathematics and men and women being unable to carry the load by themselves, whether it be financially, emotional, etc.,. This is the simple fact of living in the twenty-first century and having bills to pay which cannot be paid by one person in many instances."
Were it not for so many women in the workplace, keeping good paying jobs away from men with families to support, there would be no issue of men needing help paying the bills. I speak of essentials: food, light, housing, etc. If a couple needs a second income to make payments on 2 or 3 brand new cars, I have even less respect for them, because now we're talking greed, and I have less time for greedy people than I do for feminazis. There should be ZERO two income households until there are ZERO no income households.

I love women...more specifically, I love ladies. It's hilarious to me that women who wear jeans and T-shirts, work in factories, change their own oil and have marine hair cuts get huffy when I blatantly refuse to hold a door open for them or give up my seat to them in a crowded setting. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't give my seat away to another man, and I'll be damned if I'll do it for a woman who wants to act and dress like a man.

The woman who wears some skanky looking cut-off shorts and a skin tight Budweiser T-shirt will be the same woman who bawls her head off in court about some Billy Bob who raped her out back of the biker bar. I'm not exonerating the filth who does such a deed, as he should be strapped to a table with a needle in his vein, but I will not hold the woman without blame, and she should do time as well for offering up goods without the intention of completing the deal. Personally, it embarrasses me as a man that we as a gender have come to find skanks attractive. Today's woman has absolutely no regrets in frustrating what she arouses, so I guess it's a good thing that she usually wears a stained T-shirt and dirty sweats to bed.

Deuteronomy 22:5 - "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God."
Whether you care to listen to the Bible or not, how can anyone dispute the hypocracy of dress these days. It has become perfectly acceptable, by most, for women to wear pants, suits, ties, combat boots and retarded looking buzz cuts, yet if a man goes out in public in a dress, he risks getting the snot kicked out of him by a couple of good old boys. With the exception of a miniscule percentage of the female population who are understanding of gender dysphoria, women wouldn't even speak to a man in a dress unless it was to make fun of him, much less become romantically involved with him. Some time ago, Phil Donahue had a designer on that had a line of dresses for men. The models all came out to strut their stuff on the stage and the women in the audience thought it was vulgar. "Don't these men know any better? Don't they have any self-respect? Don't they have any concept of manhood, that they would parade around in a dress?" Phil's response: "Well, they said the same thing fifty years ago when women started wearing pants."

1 Timothy 2:9 - "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel..."
Pierced navels showing, skirts so short that they become X-Rated in the slightest breeze, overweight girls with their guts hanging out over their low cut pants that don't even come to the top of their cracks, thongs on public call this progress? The Bible also states that "...if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering." They used to call long haired men hippies, now they call short haired women fashionable. Hypocrites!

An ultra feminine lady has an amazing effect on a masculine man. A lady who embraces rather than rejects her inner feelings of femininity and love will realise strong lasting feelings of passion and love when paired with a strong masculine man. She is the kind of lady that he craves, and they have a relationship in which he can express his masculinity, assert himself and dominate. She has a need to love completely and unconditionally the man that she trusts implicitly. (If he abuses that trust and damages her, then he should have his testicles removed with a rusty pizza cutter.) This love fascinates the man and his hunger for that love is insatiable. He craves a woman who will love and accept him simply because he is a dominant man, and who will encourage his need to dominate and lead. In return, he gives with a generous spirit, he loves her with all his heart and he is ecstatic to see her smile and know that he has pleased the woman that loves him. It's as simple as the well known fact that opposites attract, and as obvious as the nose on your face, but this modern world you glorify has painfully misplaced this knowledge.

Ephesians 5:22 - "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord."
The feminazis scream bloody murder at the thought of submitting to a dominant man, and this attitude has turned them into the very oppressors that they perceive men to be. They live to pressure feminine ladies into taking up their evil cause. I despise feminists for a number of reasons, but this is the biggest one. My wife, who wears pants about 1% of the time, is made to feel like an outcast for expressing her femininity in the clothing she wears. When she does wear pants, it is only in the most extreme of circumstances, and even then I don't approve, but I allow it because it makes her more comfortable among the feminists that she has to coexist with. The modern world you speak of sure is great.

1 Peter 3:7 - "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel..."
Yep, that's what it says, the weaker vessel, not the LESSER vessel, just the weaker vessel. God didn't create man for woman, God created woman to be a companion, support system, mate for man. Man was incomplete, so God created woman to make him whole. She is a part of him. As an extension of him, she should provide constant support. She should take interest in his job, not just his paycheck. Whatever he's interested in, she should also take an interest in. When he lifts a heavy object, she should tell him how strong he is. When he catches a guppy, she should tell him it's a whale. God made woman to be man's cheerleader.

The feminists refuse to admit that their so-called sexual freedom has had devastating effects on girls and women, such as a huge increase in STDs, unwanted pregnancies and sex crimes. Radio host and bestselling author Laura Schlessinger suggests that when women are sexually aggressive, they end up less liberated and more oppressed, the opposite of feminism's goal. Feminists argue that "women are entitled to their sexuality and that the expression of that sexuality should not be constrained by morals, which are simply a cultural decision to limit the freedom...of women," Mrs. Schlessinger says. "The irony about the feminist movement's part of this is that feminism began with the attitude that women should not be sexual objects; well, that is exactly what they have become."

If I never hear another man whine about the fact that he hasn't had sex in weeks or months, it'll be too soon. Sex is not a favor a woman does for a man, it's her duty as a wife, when and where he wants it.

Census Bureau figures show that both women and men are waiting longer to marry. In 1970, 36 percent of women and 55 percent of men ages 20 to 24 had never been married. Today, the percentage of women has more than doubled and the percentage of men is pushing 90. Big surprise, who wants to get married anymore when the chances of staying together are about 50/50. What man wants to spend his life with a feminazi who has nothing better to do than tell him how much better she is than him.

You hit the nail on the head however when you said "Women are the best thing that could happen to any man and we should relish and appreciate them for all that they are and all that they shall become." Amen brother, as long as they become obedient, supportive, loving housewives, as they were created to be.

"There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves." ~Thomas Wolfe

The feminazis cry for equal rights, the right to do this, the right to do that, blah blah blah.....yes, you do have rights, you have the right to love and support your man.

Unknown said...

This was a very appreciated comment. I know that people have very strong feelings on feminism and that is how it should be. There is not much that is less appealling than someone who cannot have a strong belief in something. This was the downfall of Kerry in the past election and I believe it is the downfall of most people or for that matter, ideas which need fire to move them along or ice to still them.
Thank you for your passion. I believe it is wrong headed, but in America, we can both have our strong opinions and we can know that the stronger opinion will win out. Therefore, we both know that my opinion will win not by mere belief, but by the fact that we have few morals or codes of conduct in winning and shall not mind destroying what you believe by hook or by crook. Gallantry lives, but it is definitely on sabbatical. Have a Nice Day!