Monday, March 28, 2005


This has been another busy day in the world, from the earthquake in Indonesia, to the continuing Terri Schiavo story.
The earthquake hit on Sumatra and soon fears spread of a possible tsunami. Luckily there was not tsunami, but the quake did cause the death of at least 2,000 people. These people are in need of some calm as they must be
freaked out every time the earth shakes even a little and what with the news media and some bloggers spreading the panic through pronouncements of doom, they must be emotionally exhausted.
How many people out there are thinking that perhaps the globalists are perfecting their weather machine, I.e. causing earthquakes, tsunami’s, and other assorted calamities to thin down the human herd? My only thought on the conspiracy theorist’s claims is that if this is true wouldn’t the globalists hit faster and harder than they have done so as to kill more people in as little time as possible. Obviously, if the tsunami is caused by these globalists, would it not make sense to hit more populated areas, such as Japan, even California, where huge waves would cause significant death tolls. Oh, but I guess they would probably not attack more civilized nation’s until they had destroyed as many second class people as possible. Anyway, if it is true, I would very much like to hear who these people are by name, so that we could get them to comment on this type of activity.
On to other news. Terri Schiavo is still hanging on, but it sounds as if her death may be at hand and we can only hope that she is not feeling the pain normally associated with starvation and dehydration.
I will not go on anymore about this tragedy as we have spent a considerable amount of time on this tragic outcome already and I wish only that she dies soon so that her parents can get on with their lives and Michael can get on with his trek toward hell for what he did to his wife.
Third, there is a lot of news in the Michael Jackson case, where after his diatribe yesterday on the Jessie Jackson show, on which he accused people of a conspiracy against black luminaries, the judge in Michael’s case ruled that testimony could be heard from previous young boys that settled with Michael in the past. Now as for the nonsense of accusing people of conspiring against black luminaries. We all know that Michael Jackson is not black and has not been black for many years. It is well known that even people who may not like blacks, will elevate people once they have met a certain level of success, such as black athletes, who become celebrities and are not talked about in the same way that people talk about other blacks. O.J. Simpson benefited in two ways as he was a superstar so whites liked him and he used the blacks hate of a black man being with a blond, white woman, to let him get away with murder. Some of the jurors straight out said that, they, meaning white people were not going to get one more of their black boys, meaning O.J., because of the Rodney King verdict from a few years before and the subsequent riots. And if Michael was really trying to make a point he surely picked the wrong “holy” man to talk with, as Jessie Jackson is a bigot, a hypocrite, and on of the most irritating persons on the face of this planet. I know as a person who used to think that Jessie was a good thing for America, and I have since come to the conclusion that he is to black people, what David Duke was to white people, as aberration who should be dealt with through ignoring his nonsensical ramblings and just hoping that he goes away and letting him go to hell in privacy once he leaves this planet.
There is also a story coming out of Red Lake, Minnesota that has said that another young man has been arrested for conspiracy in the murders of the school children last week. Let us hope that someway can be found to convince young people that there is a better way to handle anger and frustration than killing your classmates and family members.
I have received letters from people who believe that this carnage and insanity is a sure sign of the literal “end times” written about in John’s Book of Revelation. Now I do not think that this is true, but I do think that because we can hear about something horrible happening around the world in minutes, that it makes the world seem that much more out of control than it did when news took a half a day or further back, when it took days, or even months for people to hear about terrible events around the world.
I would be interested to hear what other people who are news observer’s like me,and who must have some opinion about this world and the events that are occurring.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take a moment to tell those around you that you love them, as you may not ever have that chance again. Nice words, thank you.