Wednesday, April 16, 2008

9/11 Series PART I

This is the day that we shall begin taking a long delayed look back at 9/11, and the tragedies that have come about, because of that fateful day. As I have been looking through numerous websites, articles, and books, I have found this to be one of the hardest things I have ever written about, because it brings up so many conflicting feelings.

I think I am probably pretty typical (of the people who believed the official version) i.e. on September 11th, 2001. You Know "Osama bin-Laden's "boys", hijacked four airliners and proceeded to fly three of them into buildings, thus attacking "The Great Satan" America, as was their mission". I know how I felt as I watched the planes hit the Twin Towers, and the collapse of those Towers. It was the most terrible thing that I have ever watched on Live T.V., and I knew that our world would never be the same.

I threw my allegiance behind those who wanted revenge, and backed Bush's plan to remove the Taliban from power in Afghanistan, and hunt down Osama bin-Laden, and kill him for his attack. I had a young lady friend, who was a pilot out of New York, and I was unable to reach her for nearly a week, as the system was in such bad shape, so much of my early anger was misplaced worry about her safety. I even remember hearing stories of muslims being attacked and was glad that they were, I even did the whole boycott France thing, when they didn't back our war plan, and called French Fries~~Freedom Fries~~just like O'Reilly wanted us too!!

I never did really support a war in Iraq, and couldn't understand why V.P. Cheney and President Bush maade every effort to equate 9/11 with Iraq. Now I did support removing Saddam, but I felt that it should have been done when he was gassing the Kurds~but at that time he was Reagan's "Buddy", so he was allowed to butcher at will.

I have always believed that Iraq was merely "payback" for Bush senior having lost the election, after letting Saddam and Iraq, off the hook after we kicked them out of Kuwait, and George junior thought it would be a cakewalk.

Over the years I have watched shows on the Truth of 9/11 and the "Truth of 9/11 conspiracies", and have always come down on the side of the Official Truth. I have a great deal of difficulty in believing in a Giant Government Conspiracy in regards to 9/11, and the downing of the Twin Towers, because frankly, this President cannot even spell conspiracy, let alone be so nimble of mind as to trick us with an "attack" actually perpetrated from within the government, or even a "real" enemy being allowed to attack us, like the supposed foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack by Franklin Roosevelt!!

However, after all the things that we have been lied to by this President and this administration, I have come to believe that we need a completely impartial Outside Investigation into the events leading up to 9/11, and the events that transpired because of that Tragic Day.

The "Official" version doesn't seem as rock solid as it once did, and we are still close enough to the event, that the "Truth" is out there. It just needs to be gone over by people who have nothing to gain by agreeing with one version or the other. Perhaps we will see a better, more accurate account of 9/11.

I hope that this series~~beginning with the wikipedia "official" version will give you pause to re-examine what you believe, and perhaps move you to sign the petition to have an actual "independent" investigation into this National Tragedy. The scab needs to be picked off, so that there can be true healing!! Thank you for taking the time to read, and check out the available information!!

Part I is the Wikipedia "Official" Version:


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