Monday, April 07, 2008

Hillary Gets It Right Twice Today

I was just reading this story at Yahoo News, and was shocked so see Senator Clinton getting it "right" twice in one day. First was the "acceptance" of Mark Penn's resignation, and now for requesting President Bush to Not be at the Chinese Olympics Opening Ceremonies. I originally thought that a boycott was good idea, but it really only hurts the athletes, so we shouldn't do that. But a snub by Bush at the opening ceremonies would be a good thing, and perhaps other leaders will adopt the same policy. We can just look at the news to see how fervent some people are taking this abuse of Tibet as people are protesting the Torch relays in England, France, and what looks to be many countries along the route. Good for them and Good for Hillary for taking a reasonable position.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday called on President Bush to stay away from the Olympics opening ceremonies in Beijing, a fresh sign that politics, not sports, may take center stage at the summer games.

The Democratic presidential candidate said a boycott of the opening ceremonies by Bush would underscore U.S. concerns about the recent unrest in Tibet and questions about China's relationship with Sudan.

"The violent clashes in Tibet and the failure of the Chinese government to use its full leverage with Sudan to stop the genocide in Darfur are opportunities for presidential leadership," she said, charging the Bush administration "has been wrong to downplay human rights in its policy towards China."

She said Bush should not plan on attending the ceremonies "absent major changes by the Chinese government."

May more leaders come out in opposition to the heavy-handed treatment of "peaceful" demonstrators in Tibet, by the Chinese!


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