Friday, August 29, 2008

Who Is Sarah Palin Is The Question As I Endorse Putin

Anyone but Manchurian McCain has been my refrain for the entire length of the contests, as I was for Fred Thompson, even though he was only in it for minute, and proved to be nothing like his image on television. I have come to this endorsement after little deliberation or thought, other than "will this be amusing?"! Since Fred bowed out, I have pretty much been for the darkest horse of them all, a man who isn't an American citizen, and as far as I know doesn't even have a desire to run for "our" presidency. He is in fact the ruler of Russia, one Vladimir (in charge by any title) Putin.
He has brought Russia back like no one since Stalin could have done. He kept what worked of a semblance of democracy, and went heavy handed on the rest to place Russia back on top of the pile of "powerful" nations, that need to be reckoned with over issues great and small, with the latest demonstration in Georgia just two weeks ago.

Now pretty much everyone who knows me, will understand that I am kidding in a way, though the desire to have that kind of power in one person is appealling (for me anyway). Russia has a Duma, where we have the Congress, but truly the only real power is wielded by Putin, unlike here, where everyone has to get in on the act, instead of just doing what needs to be done to fix our problems. So in that respect I envy Putin for having the power to fix things, which he has done, even if liberties are taken. Hell, they have been taken away here as well, and we don't even have a shining economy and a huge surplus to show for it.

Anyway on to the "real" story of the day, which I was just reading at Yahoo News:
John McCain's risky choice of Gov. Sarah Palin gives him a running mate who doubles down on his maverick image, may appeal to "hockey moms" and other women, and counters Barack Obama's aura of new-generation change. But he may have undercut his best attack on the Democrat.
If Obama is an empty suit, as McCain has suggested, is Palin suited for the Oval Office herself?
She is younger and less experienced than the first-term Illinois senator, and brings an ethical shadow to the ticket. A governor for just 20 months, she was two-term mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest civic worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race.
"On his 72nd birthday, is this really the one-heartbeat-away he wants to put in the White House?" said Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the No. 3 Democrat in the House. "What does this say about his judgment?"
It says that McCain wanted to add a reform-minded politician to his ticket, and an abortion opponent to boot. It says he needs more women to back him over Obama, who just welcomed a passel of Hillary Clinton voters into his fold but remains shaky with white males. And, finally, it's a recognition of how vulnerable McCain is despite polls showing it's close.
He put his money down on a darkhorse to try to change the race.
link to full analysis

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