Thursday, June 28, 2007

Benoit Burn In HELL

The suicide by Pro wrestler Chris "Canadian Crippler" Benoit, after he murdered his wife and son, has sparked a new controversy over the world of Professional Wrestling and whether steroids played a role in the killings.

The killings occurred over the weekend as reported Tuesday, by Fayette County Sheriff's office. They report that Benoit had strangled his wife, Nancy Benoit, 43, and then a day later he strangled his son, Daniel, 7, and placed Bibles next to both of their bodies, before hanging himself with cord from a weight lifting machine.

They found some legal prescriptions as well as some steroids in the home, but they do not know if he was using steroids at the time of the murders, and will have to wait until the toxicology reports come back from the coroner's office.

There are other reports that there had been some family problems in the past, but no recent events have been reported by family or friends. The people around the wrestling business said during interviews that pain medicaton and other medicines are part of the culture where pain is an ever present part of the job.

I have been watching reports and commentators who are jumping on the steroid angle as if this is what caused the murders and suicide, but I did some checking and I do not think this is going to be the cause. The articles I have read all day show that so called "Roid Rage" is just that. If the steroids caused Mr. Benoit to blast into a rage he would have struck immediately and violently, not slowly and deliberately as was the case. The opponents of not just steroids, but of professional wrestling are going to use this case to reign in or destroy this violent form of entertainment.

Now do not get me wrong I do not like Professional Wrestling, as I think it is just one more form of entertainment that desensitizes everyone who views it. Kind of a Roman spectacle aspect to it, as we inch closer to the actual gladiators of the Roman coliseum, and the death that was part of it. Right now however, it is simple fun for people who like to see a show and a soap opera ,as most of these shows have a dramatic storyline along with the wrestling. Seems silly to me, but I am sure that some of my entertainment would make those who like wrestling think my entertainment was silly as well.

I hope that there was some other cause of these killings, so that there can be a rational discussion of this form of entertainment.

One big thing that should come out of this during the talks about steroids, and that is what the drug does to your body, and particularly to young boys who want to get big and strong, and explain all of the detrimental effects that it will have on them in the future.

I always think to myself in these murder/suicides, "Why didn't the bastard do the right thing, and kill himself First, and leave his family to live." May the Mother and Son Rest In Peace," and Mr. Benoit, "May You Burn In HELL for Eternity"!!!

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