Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Civil War In Gaza?

The news from the middle east continues to be grim as Hamas attacks Fatah positions in the Gaza Strip and efforts to end the violence fail.
The situation seems to be heading for an all out civil war as Hamas has given Fatah security forces an ultimatum to hand over their weapons by 7p.m. (noon EDT) Friday.
There are reports that President Mahmoud Abbas has called on exiled Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal to end the violence. Mashaal is currently in Damascus, Syria, and has not responded to President Abbas's request as of this morning.
The story reports that over 50 people have died since the fighting began on Monday, with Hamas blaming the fighting on the Fatah security forces who they say are corrupt and riddled with criminals, while Abbas just says that the fighting is madness and will tear their government apart.
The United Nations is limiting its' activities in Gaza after two Palestinians that worked for them were killed. The United States has issued a warning for reporters to leave the country. The warning was issued by a State Department spokesman on Tuesday.
It is such a shame that these people cannot get a moments rest from the violence that pervades their nation, whether it be fighting with the Israeli's or as is now happening with their countrymen.
The United Nations needs to step in and try and control the situation before all out war breaks out and it spills over to the West Bank, where Fatah holds the upper hand, and the whole region blows up with violence and reprisal killings.
The culprit here is Hamas's sponsor Syria, which continues to cause trouble there and in Lebanon. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi should call her new friends in Damascus and get them to reign in Hamas before it is fully out of control.
Another sad week in the Middle East.

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