Sunday, June 17, 2007

Daniel's New Plan For Iraq

I have been watching the news from Iraq and have figured out a new plan which shall end this war on an early and successful note. Below I release the details of the new plan to end the war in iraq , I hope that you will read and pass it on to your friends and acquaintances and ultimately push our elected officials to pass this legislation and get on with winning this war on my terms!

You know that I SUPPORT the troops and thought that even though Iraq was started for all the wrong reasons, that we were obligated to try and fix it before we leave. I have a new plan that I know will take care of the war in Iraq.

Under my plan we will immediately reinstate the DRAFT, but with SUBSTANTIAL changes. There will be no deferments allowed for anyone, for any reason. All men age 45 and over will be drafted, all city, state, and federal elected officials (men and women) will be drafted, all income earners, who make over $75,000 will be drafted, and they will all be drafted for COMBAT roles, AGAIN NO EXCEPTIONS, they will not be allowed to be in SUPPORT roles, but in front line combat teams, up to and including the President and his entire cabinet. Anyone who refuses will receive an immediate death sentence with no right of appeal.Basically a firing squad and daybreak approach to encourage immediate signing up for the military.

This would be instituted immediately so they can get their combat training in and be in Iraq no later than September 30, 2007, when the last of the current troops would rotate home and leave everyone else i.e. new draftees in place to finish up this dirty little war.

I think my plan offers a huge incentive to FINISH the current war in IRAQ by that turnover date with a SUCCESSFUL conclusion for everyone!!

Take care my friendS!!

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