Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bush KILLS Stem Cell Bill

I just heard on a web radio cast that President George "I AM A COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATIVE" Bush has just vetoed a bill that would have eased restraints on federally funded embryonic stem cell research.

Even though he finds it completely acceptable to kill actual human beings, i.e. "enemy combatants", but finds it abhorrant to use already aborted fetus stem cells to assist his fellow human beings to live better lives through the research and treatments that comes from the use of the stem cells. Whether it be for Parkinson's desease, or Alzheimer's disease or any of a number of disease's that could gain better treatments or even a cure, through the use of research on stem cells, The President stands against it on "Moral" grounds. How Moral is it to let people suffer from disease when the use of stem cells may make their lives better and longer!

Now I also wish there were not abortions, but when there are embryonic stem cells available, that means the decision has already been made. Now do you let potential cures be dumped down the toilet or do you use them to possibly save other's or even the fetus life, the next time it is born, (that is if you believe in reincarnation). I know many do not, but I believe as do physicists that Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but merely changes shape and form. Therefore I find that gives as reasonable a possibility of reincarnation being real, as does the whole "you only get one life" of other religions.

To completely "woosie" out on his veto, President Bush issued an executive order directing the Health and Human Services Department to PROMOTE research into cells that, like human embryonic stem cells, also hold the potential of regenerating into different types of cells that might be used to battle disease.

Public opinion polls show strong support for the stem cell research and probably everyone know someone who could benefit directly from the treatments that could come from the research.

It is just another example of saying one thing and meaning another. Whether the embryonic cells are used or not the fact that they are destroyed will not be effected and they will just be thrown away. How sad for those afflicted that the President continues to pander to the Christian "Right" instead of choosing for the betterment of all Americans.

We need a new President to put the people of the country ahead of his personal beliefs, as Bush obviously cannot see past his own blinders on this and many other issues. Many people will succumb before Bush's term ends and a new President is sworn in and changes things. The deaths of these people will be on Bush's already full plate of deaths, and people thought Kevorkian was Dr. Death, so Bush is President Death!!

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