Saturday, May 31, 2008

Democrats Consider Seating Plans And Why They Should Not Do IT

The big story today is the Democratic Rules Committee meeting being held today. I have come to believe over the last several months, that Hillary Clinton would be an awesomely good President, on par with at least Richard Nixon (another great President), and would be the only one capable of dealing with the issues our nation faces. So it is with some trepidation that I have to disagree with her "willingness" to let all of the votes be counted, and the delegates seated. She was completely opposed to them being counted when she was the presumed front runner, and has like "Saul" been converted on the road to Denver.

I am not a Democrat, but I think that if you have rules that say you cannot move your states caucuses, or primaries forward, and if you do you will be penalized, then you should do it, or why have rules. These contests would turn into anarchy, with states doing whatever they want, knowing that in the end, there would be an exception and they would get seated. These people who run the party need to be looking not to just this election, but to future elections. If Florida and Michigan are not made "examples", I would bet money on it, that in four years, everyone would move their contests, and say to Hell with the rules, because in the end we'll get our way. Is that anyway to run a organization, let alone a political party.

Hillary should finish out these next couple of days, and make her case to the delegates, that she is the best candidate, and if they choose to ignore her, then so be it, take it like the strong person that you are, work for Obama if he is the candidate, and plan for the future, either as a Senator, or for another Presidential run. The bottom line is to not allow Manchurian McCain get anywhere close to the Oval Office. It has been a historic year, and while it is good to be the best there is, please remember that the Titanic was the best ship ever, and look what happened on her maiden voyage. To continue full speed ahead, may scuttle you and your Party!

Anyway, here is the story at Yahoo News:

Democrats searched for a compromise Saturday to seat disputed delegations from Michigan and Florida at this summer's party convention and clear the way for a quick end to the marathon struggle between Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The challenge is to "come together at the end of the day and be united," Howard Dean, the party chairman, told members of the convention's Rules and Bylaws Committee gathered at a hotel across town from the White House.

Obama is a mere 42 delegates short of the 2,026 needed to clinch the nomination, in the Associated Press tally, and appears on track to wrap up the party prize in the coming days. He intends to signal the beginning of his general election campaign next Tuesday by holding a rally in the arena in St. Paul, Minn., where Republicans will to hold their convention this summer.

link to full story

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