Monday, May 12, 2008

How Crystal Skulls Work

I found this next story at Yahoo News, and thought it was interesting. I guess with the soon to be released Indiana Jones movie, there is a resurgent interest in Crystal Skulls. Now I must admit I am not an Indiana Jones fan, but will probably watch it once it is on DVD or Starz. However, I find things like the crystal skulls intriguing, and I hope you like the article as well. Have A Great Monday Evening!!

To some people, a crystal skull is simply an object carved from quartz crystal in the shape of a human skull. They can be clear or colored crystal, and they range from crudely carved to incredibly detailed. Some crystal skulls are just a few inches in diameter, while others are life-size. Whether you find them beautiful or creepy, many crystal skulls are representations of amazing craftsmanship. That's part of why some of them have been (and still are) exhibited in the Smithsonian, the British Museum and the Musee de l'Homme in Paris.

But according to believers in the supernatural and the occult, crystal skulls are more than just interesting artifacts. They may represent doom and destruction, or hope and healing. Some people think that crystal skulls can be used like crystal balls to see visions of the past, present and future. They claim that the skulls emit psychic energy, auras or even sounds. Believers point to Mayan creation myths that reference crystal skulls and a story that 13 crystal skulls were scattered by the Mayans thousands of years ago to be discovered and reunited in modern times.

The article breaks down the information into several areas.


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