Saturday, December 22, 2007

CIA Says It Cooperated With 9/11 Panel

In a story I was just reading the CIA on Saturday rebutted suggestions the spy agency was uncooperative and hid from the Sept. 11 commission the videotaped interrogations of two suspected terrorists, saying it waited until the panel went out of business before destroying the material now in question.

The destruction in late 2005 of the videotapes of two al-Qaeda suspects has upset a federal judge and riled the Democratic-controlled Congress, which has promised an investigation. The Justice Department also is trying to find out what happened and whether any laws were broken.

As things stand now in regard to the destruction of the video tapes, it would seem that with all of the investigations, that we may get the "truth"as to why the tapes were destroyed. This is not a certainty, as the administration has shown that it is very adept at sidestepping Congress, and Congress has shown it is very inept, at getting to the "truth" of anything. Should be an interesting story to follow, which we will do!


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