Saturday, December 01, 2007

Hillarys Hostage Crisis Ends

The hostage crisis ended without bloodshed, and the stories coming out reveal that Mr. Eisenberg was having troubles before the hostage taking.

Leeland Eisenberg was already in trouble before he walked into one of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign offices. Three days earlier, his wife had filed for divorce; he was due to appear in court with her for a domestic violence hearing in about half an hour.

Police say Eisenberg went to the office Friday demanding to talk to Clinton about helping him get mental health care and ended up taking at least five people, including an infant, hostage. Night would fall before the last one walked free and the hostage-taker peacefully surrendered.

It is good that things turned out well, as many times we have seen that bloodshed, i.e. murder and suicide, is the way that these hostage crises end up. Congratulations to the state police negotiator, and the Rochester police department for their professionalism, and the good outcome!


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