Friday, December 14, 2007

Mitchell Defends Revealing Names

In a clearly appropriate pre-emptive strike, former Senator George Mitchell gave an interview defending his decision to name names, as you, know the whiney baseball "stars" will be bemoaning their fate, and spinning the "truth," at every opportunity.

George Mitchell insisted naming names was the right decision and said he was prepared for Roger Clemens and others to deny they used performance-enhancing drugs.

"We made every effort to establish the truthfulness of the information that we received," baseball's steroids investigator said Friday during a half-hour interview at his law office. "Several of the witnesses were interviewed in the presence of federal law enforcement agents who informed the witnesses that if they made false statements they would subject themselves to possible criminal jeopardy. So there was very strong incentives to tell the truth."

Not only should George Mitchell keep talking about this, but all efforts need to be made to nail these "creeps," and put them behind bars if possible. This is the only way to make sure everyone understands the seriousness, and the consequences of "cheating". The second part is that like Marion Jones, all records need to be amended and the offending cheaters taken off the books, and forever banned from baseball and the Hall of Fame, and if they don't, then it will only be a Hall Of Shame!!


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