Monday, December 17, 2007

General Says Success Is Fragile

There is evidence that the "surge" has provided some military gains throughout Iraq, and in Baghdad as well. However, as evidenced by the following story, the peacefulness is tentative at best. This is going to be the case for years to come, and the bottom line is that the Iraq government is still virtually non-functioning, so why do we continue to spend blood and treasure for these people.

Though violence in Iraq has declined, withdrawing U.S. troops too quickly would spell failure in some parts of the capital, a top general said Monday. Maj. Gen. Joseph Fil, commander in Baghdad, said progress made toward securing the city in recent months is "fledgling, fragile and not guaranteed."

I still think as I did in August that we give the Iraqi as ultimatum to step up to the plate, and get their act together, find a power and revenue sharing agreement and get to the business of governance or we leave immediately. If they can do that within the month, then we give them our support for up to six months, after which we leave no matter the consequences to them!

It has become abundantly clear that as long as they have Bush in the White House, they do not have to show any progress, and we will stay anyway, because it has become a "holy" cause to stay the course, no matter how many lives it may take! This is not the way we should be looking at this war, but unfortunately our President sees only his point of view, and cannot even fathom the possibility that he may be wrong. That is too bad for us and for the Iraqi's, because it doesn't resolve anything, for anyone!


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