Sunday, December 02, 2007

Why Haven't We Capped This Idiot And Sorry To My Liberal Friends

Here he goes again, should be the headline of the story concerning President Hugo Chavez's remarks to the press today.

President Hugo Chavez again threatened Saturday to halt oil exports if he sees US meddling in, or after, a hotly contested weekend referendum that could let him lead Venezuela for the rest of his life.

"If it starts a process of destabilization, incites a civil war, not only will the United States not get any of the 3.2 million barrels (produced per day in Venezuela according to official figures) but nothing will go onto the market, not a drop," Chavez warned, explaining he would stop all oil exports.

Opponents, whose number has swelled in past weeks with the defection of some Chavez allies, say the reforms would amount to making Venezuela a Cuba-like communist state, with an elected "dictator".

I hope you get a chance to read his comments in full at the link, and then please explain to me why we haven't "capped" this little Castro wannabe! I know one reason if that the "balls" have been cut from the CIA, so they can't do anything productive, because if they could we could have taken down Saddam without invading and wrecking the whole country of Iraq. He should have successfully "died" in his sleep, and then the fates deal with his nation. I say that not for anything other than his abuse of power and murder of his citizens, opponents, and the genocide against the Kurds. Just for those crimes he should have been "retired"!

There are many times in our recent history from the Bay of Pigs on when the CIA, totally messed up, and created more enemies, than allies. The agency needs to be reinvigorated with professionals, that understand the rights and wrongs, of their missions, and when they should be used. President Chavez is a case in point, and may he be "allowed" to sleep, the sleep of the dead, and the sooner the better, for his countrymen, and the world...well except for his sympatico ally, Iranian President Ahmanejidad, and maybe it will give "him" a little start, the morning he reads that his close friend has passed on "peacefully", in his sleep!!

I don't usually advocate this kind of activity, as I believe in Karma, but the Karmic "blowback" of this activity for our country, would surely be much less, than the "blowback" we are creating in Iraq, and elsewhere. When that kicks us back, we are going to think 9/11 was a "day at the beach" in comparison. I don't wish for it to happen, but I can see it coming, like a light at the end of the tunnel, and it turns out to be a high speed freight train, barreling at us!! Scary times ahead!!


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