Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Concealed Campus.Com

When I first saw the story that I previosly posted on I went on the Internet and right away found that there is a concerted and coordinated effort to promote concealed weapons on campuses all over the country.

Below is the first part of the ConcealedCampus.Com free website, and if you get an opportunity, please stop by an see what they have going on locally and nationwide.

SCCC Membership Sets New Record
Students for Concealed Carry on Campus now has over 7,000 members nationwide.
Thought for the Day
com·pro·mise (kŏm'prə-mīz')
1. an accommodation in which both sides make concessions
Proponents of gun control typically argue that gun owners should be required to undergo training, testing, expanded background checks, and licensing.
Proponents of gun rights typically argue that gun owners should be allowed to carry handguns in public, for self-defense.
Concealed carry laws allow gun owners who undergo training, testing, expanded background checks, and licensing to carry handguns in public, for self-defense.
When both sides give a little and both sides get a little, that is the true definition of compromise.
Who is more willing to compromise—groups like Students for Concealed Carry on Campus who support licensed concealed carry or groups like The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence who oppose licensed concealed carry?

So what do you think? Should students be able to protect themselves from the growing danger on campuses or should they be left defenseless? I think that if they are properly trained, and meet the requirements of the law, they should be allowed to carry concealed weapons. Perhaps many of the recent killings could have been avoided or lessened if armed students were there to fight back. I personally do not own guns anymore, nor am I a member of the NRA. I choose not to have guns in the house, because of children in the house, and I do not want any "accidents", in our home, but I am all for those who feel the "need" to have guns, to have them. A well armed citizenry may also give pause to those who might wish us harm from within our own government.


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