Monday, November 12, 2007

Good News From Iraq

The following story reports that there is good news from Iraq, and that violence is down. This would be a hopeful sign of progress if the Iraqi government was actually using this time to get itself together, but all accounts show that is not happening.

Rocket and mortar attacks in Iraq have decreased to their lowest levels in more than 21 months, the U.S. military said Monday. In the capital, Iraqi officials said a taxi driver was shot dead by a private security guard hired to protect U.S. convoys. Last month saw 369 "indirect fire" attacks, the lowest number since February 2006. October's total was half of what it was in the same month a year ago. And it marked the third month in a row of sharply reduced insurgent activity, the military said.

Unlike many of the Democratic candidates who wish for our troops to keep dying for "their" political benefit, I support the troops and hope they succeed. However, I still think we should leave as quickly as possible, because of the same reason I mentioned In August, when the Iraqi took a months long vacation, while our men and women were dying to protect their country. It seems that if they cannot or will not fix their own government, then the minute the surge ends and we draw down troops, the violence will ramp up again, and all the lives will have been lost for nothing!

Hopefully, the lull in violence will continue, and truthfully, maybe, just maybe, the Iraqi people really are tired of the killings, and they will take control from the ground up and fix the country themselves, in spite of the inaction of their government officials, that could be the best of all outcomes for everyone invested in seeing Iraq succeed!

good news

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