Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Last Day For General Musharraf

Today I am sending kudos and congratulations to General, and President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, as he spends his last day as a General.

Pervez Musharraf was saluted by his troops Tuesday on his last full day as Pakistan's army chief as he bows to international pressure to become a civilian president.

Faced with swelling anger over his three-week-old state of emergency, the embattled US ally received guards of honour as he launched a two-day ceremonial tour of the army, navy and air force.

I don't know that he has done everything right, as he has been somewhat brutal, but I like Musharraf, and if he needs to knock a few heads together to keep control of his nations nuclear weapons, so be it, as our nation has done much worse, for far less, and I found it annoying when Negroponte went to Pakistan to "bitch" slap Musharraf. We talk alot about a nations sovereignty, but for Bush it has always been lip service, and that was just one more example of us "bullying" another country when they are not towing the line as we see it. The General should have walked him out the door and had him shot, and sent the message to Bush, "that I am fighting against the rebels as best as I can, so get off my back", and keep your "messengers" home!

Good Luck, General, with friends like us, you will need it!!

Again, I wish the soon to be former General, Best Wishes, and a More Luck, because with Sharif and Bhutto back in the country, he is going to need it!


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