Saturday, November 03, 2007

Musharraf Declares State Of Emergency

In a story being reported this morning, President Gen. Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan on Saturday ahead of a crucial Supreme Court decision on whether to overturn his recent election win and amid rising Islamic militant violence.

Eight Supreme Court judges immediately rejected the emergency, which suspended the current constitution. The government blocked transmissions of private news channels in several cities and telephone services in the capital, Islamabad, were cut.

As with all states of emergency declarations there will probably be some civil rights suspensions, and other security measures, to allow the President to take care of the emergency caused by the rebels.

Good luck to President Musharraf, in bringing these rebels to heel. Obviously, he is not the most democratic of characters, but in this war on terrorism, we kind of have to take what we can get, and currently this is all that we can get, in fighting the Taliban, and al-Qaeda in northern Pakistan!

The only other hope that in our collaboration with Musharraf, we do not get into a position of him being in control of us, as we did with Hussein in Iraq, when he was fighting the Iranians with our "assistance", which then gave him the confidence that we were behind him, when he invaded Kuwait, and set up his ultimate downfall, and our current forever war in Iraq!May we have better luck in Pakistan!


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