Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bush Warns Iran

As President Bush prepares the groudwork for the unprovoked Iranian attack, which he needs to take military action against them early next year, we see him responding to the interaction between our naval vessels and theirs.

President Bush warned Iran of "serious consequences" if it meddles again with U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf, opening a Mideast peacemaking mission Wednesday on an ominous note. He told Israel to dismantle unauthorized settlement outposts and demanded that the Palestinians halt rocket attacks from areas controlled by Hamas Islamic militants.

Bush, on his first visit as president to Israel, acknowledged widespread doubts about whether he can break through decades of distrust to achieve his goal of a major peace agreement by the end of his presidency in January, 2009.

It is only a matter of time, before the unprovoked attack by Iran (our own little Gulf of Tonkin action), military action from us as we respond, and Martial Law and suspension of the elections until the crisis passes.


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